透析療法ネクスト VII 腎性貧血を再考する

出版社: 医学図書出版
発行日: 2008-06-01
分野: 臨床医学:内科  >  腎臓
ISBN: 9784871513500
電子書籍版: 2008-06-01

2,860 円(税込)


1,430 円(税込)




  • 透析療法ネクスト VII 腎性貧血を再考する


     Cardio-Renal Anemia(CRA) Syndrome





P.16 掲載の参考文献
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特集 『腎性貧血を再考する』

P.26 掲載の参考文献
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11) 未発表データ
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43) Hirakata H, Gejyo F, Suzuki M, Saito A, Iino Y, Watanabe Y, Tsubakihara Y, Akizawa T, Koshikawa S : Effect of Darbepoetin Alfa (KRN321) subcutaneous treatment on hemoglobin levels, Health-Related QOL (HRQOL) and left ventricular mass index (LVMI) in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) not on dialysis. Paper presented at : 2006 ASN Congress (SA-PO204), 2006.
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P.139 掲載の参考文献
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18) Hirakata H, Gejyo F, Suzuki M, Saito A, Iino Y, Watanabe Y, Tsubakihara Y, Akizawa T, Koshikawa S : Effect of Darbepoetin Alfa (KRN321) subcutaneous treatment on hemoglobin levels, Health-Related QOL (HRQOL) and left ventricular mass index (LVMI) in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) not on dialysis. Paper presented at : 2006 ASN Congress (SA-PO204), 2006.
19) Inaguma D, Tsubakihra Y, Hirakata, H Hiroe M, Hada Y, Akizawa T, Koshikawa : Monthly subcutaneous treatment of Darbepoetin Alfa (KRN321) could maintain Higher Hb safety and have benefical effects on cardiac function of Japanese CKD patients not on dialysis. Paper presented at : 44nd ERA-EDTA Congress (SaP353), 2007.
20) Akizawa T, et al. : Taget Level for Hemoglobin Correction by Darbepoetin Alfa (KRN321) for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Not on Dialysis in Randomaized Controlled Study ; from the Viewpoint of the Efficacy. Paper presented at : 2007 ASN Congress (SU-PO804), 2007.
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