
出版社: 丸善出版
発行日: 2012-01-20
分野: 臨床医学:一般  >  放射線/核医学
ISBN: 9784621085028
電子書籍版: 2012-05-30 (電子書籍版)

2,750 円(税込)


2,750 円(税込)




  • 原子力災害に学ぶ放射線の健康影響とその対策


    第1部 災害事例からみる放射線の健康影響

    第2部 原子力災害の健康影響にどう対応するか




第1部 災害事例からみる放射線の健康影響

P.2 掲載の参考文献
1) UNSCEAR, "Exposures to the public from man-made sources of radiation", UNSCEAR 2000 Report Vol. I, Sourcesand effects of ionizing radiation, United Nations Office, pp. 157-291 (2000).
2) 文部科学省ホームページhttp://radioactivity.mext.go.jp/ja/related_information/radiation_in_daily-life/
P.8 掲載の参考文献
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4) 日本学術会議原子爆弾災害調査報告書刊行委員会, "原子爆弾災害調査報告集・第1, 2分冊", 日本学術振興会(1953).
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7) Glasstone, S., Dolan, P. J., "The Effectsof Nuclear Weapons", U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (1950).
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13) Okajima, S., et al., "Effectsof the radioactive fallout of the Nagasaki atomic bomb" RERF Technical Report, 12-75 (1975).
16) Neel, J. V., Scshull, W. J., "The Children of Atomic-Bomb Survivors : A Genetic Study", National Academy Press (1991).
19) 中村典, "原爆放射線の遺伝的影響に関する調査 : 過去, 現在, 未来", 放射線生物研究, 34, 153-169(1999).
20) Schull, W. J. et al., "Some further observations on the sex ratio among infants born to survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki", Am. J. Hum. Genet., 18, 328-338 (1966).
21) 放射線被爆者医療国際協力推進協議会編 (阿波彰夫著), "原爆放射線の人体影響", pp.307-314, 被爆者の子供に対する染色体調査, 文光堂 (1992).
23) UNSCEAR, "UNSCEAR 2010 Report ; Summary of Low-Dose Radiation Effects on Health", United Nations (2011).
29) Tubiana, M., Aurengo, A., "La relation dose-effet et l'estimation des effets cancerogenes des faibles does de rayonnements ionisants", Vol, 2010, Report of National Academy of Medicine (2005).
P.34 掲載の参考文献
1) Nagataki, S. ed., "Radiation and the Thyroid", Excerpta Medica (1989).
7) 山下俊一ほか, "チェルノブイリ原発事故被災児の検診成績- 'チェルノブイリ笹川医療協力プロジェクト1991-1996' より-", 放射線科学, 42(10), 303-309 ; 42(11), 338-348 ; 42(12), 381-386(1999).
8) 支援委員会事務局, "チェルノブイリ専門家交流10年のあゆみ" (2003).
9) An International Advisory Committee, "The international Chernobyl project : assessment of radiological consequences and evaluation of protective measures. Conclusions and recommendation of a report by an international advisory committee", IAEA (1991).
11) Expert panel report on the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, "Thyroid Cancer in Children Living Near Chernobyl", European Communities (1993).
12) Nagataki, S.,Yamashita, S., "Nagasaki Symposium, Radiation and Human Health : Proposal from Nagasaki", Excerpta Medica (1996).
13) Nagataki, S. ed., "Nagasaki Symposium on Chernobyl, Update and Future", Excerpta Medica (1994).
14) IAEA, "One Decade after Chernobyl : Summing up the Consequences of the Accident" (1996).
15) Yamashita, S., Shibata, Y., "Chernobyl : A Decade Proceedings of the 5th Chernobyl. Sasagawa Medical Cooperation Symposium, Kiev, Ukraine, 14-15 October 1996", Elsevier (1997).
16) Childhood Cancer Subregistry of Belarus. http://cancerby.narod.ru/eng/Population.html
17) The Chernobyl Forum Expert Group 'Environment', "Enviromnmental Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident and their Remediation : Twenty Yearsof Experience", International Atomic Energy Agency (2006).
19) UNSCEAR, "Sourcesand Effectsof Ionizing Radiation", Vol, II, Scientific Annex D, United Nations (2011).
P.75 掲載の参考文献
1) 村田啓, 明石真言編, "東海村ウラン加工工場臨界事故に関する放医研報告書", 放射線医学総合研究所(2001).
2) "健康管理検討委員会報告", 原子力安全委員会健康管理検討委員会 (2000).
P.81 掲載の参考文献
1) 高度情報科学技術研究機構, "原子力百科事典ATOMICA" http://www.rist.or.jp/atomica/
2) United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, "Backgrounder on the Three Mile Island Accident" http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/fact-sheets/3mile-isle.html
3) Han Y. Y. et al., "Cancer incidence among residents of the Three Mile Island accident area : 1982-1995", Environ. Res. (2011). DOI : 10.1016/j.envres.2011.08.005
P.85 掲載の参考文献
1) Nagataki, S. ed., "Radiation and the Thyroid", Excerpta Medica (1989).
10) UNSCEAR, "UNSCEAR 2000 Report Vol. I, Sourcesand effectsof ionizing radiation", Scientific Annex C, United NationsOffice (2000).
11) National Cancer Institute, "Estimation of the baseline number of cancers among Marshallese and the number of cancersattributable to exposure to fallout from nuclear weaponstes ting conducted in the Marshall Islands" (2004).
12) 第五福竜丸平和協議会, "第五福竜丸ものがたり", 第五福竜丸展示館 (2000).
13) 放射線影響協会編 (熊取敏之著), "訪問記-放射線障害の治療に生きる", 放影協ニュース, No.20 (1999).
14) 第五福竜丸平和協会, "写真でたどる第五福竜丸" (2004).
P.92 掲載の参考文献
1) UNSCEAR, "UNSCEAR 2000 Report Vol. I, Sources and effects of ionizing radiation", Scientific Annex C, United Nations Office (2000).
2) UNSCEAR, "UNSCEAR 2008 Report Vol. I, Sources and effects of ionizing radiation", United Nations Office (2010).
3) UNSCEAR, "UNSCEAR 2006 Report Vol. I, Effects of ionizing radiation", United Nations Office (2008).
4) Nagataki, S. ed., "Radiation and the Thyroid", Excerpta Medica (1989).
7) 気象研究所地球化学部ホームページ http://www.mri-jma.go.jp/Dep/ge/2007Artifi_Radio_report/Chapter5.htm
8) 内山正史, "ホールボディカウンティングと日本人の放射性セシウムによる内部被爆線量", 放射線科学, 34, 169-170 (1991).
9) 勝沼晴雄, 吉沢康雄, "日本人体内のカリウム-40およびセシウム-137量の測定", 日本医学放射線学会雑誌, 31, 1-6(1971).
10) Okajima, S. et al., "Effects of the radioactive fallout of the Nagasaki atomic bomb", RERF Technical Report, 12-75 (1975).

第2部 原子力災害の健康影響にどう対応するか

P.104 掲載の参考文献
1) UNSCEAR, "UNSCEAR 2000 Report Vol II, Sourses and Effects of Ionizing Radiation", Scientific Annex J, United Nations Office (2000).
P.114 掲載の参考文献
2) 日本アイソトープ協会, "ICRP勧告 (日本語版) ICRP Publication 96 放射線攻撃時の被ばくに対する公衆の防護" (2011).
3) IAEA, "The Radiological Accident in San Salvador" (1990).
5) IAEA, "The radiological accident in Lilo" (2000).
6) IAEA, "The Radiological Accident in Samut Prakarn" (2002).
P.120 掲載の参考文献
1) European Commission, "Proceedings of the Workshop on restoration strategies for contaminated territoriesres ulting from the Chernobyl accident" (2000).
2) Mould, R., "Century of X-raysand Radioactivity in Medicine With Emphasison Photographic Records of the Early Years", Institute of Physics Publishing (1993).
3) 日本アイソトープ協会, "ICRP Publ. 103 国際放射線防護委員会の2007年勧告" (2009).
4) Mossman, K. L. et al., "Bridging Radiation Policy and Sciences", Bridging Radiation Policy and Science Conference (2000).

