
出版社: 医学と看護社
発行日: 2014-05-10
分野: 医学一般  >  医学一般
ISBN: 9784906829330
電子書籍版: 2014-05-10 (第1版第1刷)

3,080 円(税込)


3,080 円(税込)


  • 健康百話で元気百倍


    第1章 メンタルヘルス
    第2章 健康診断
    第3章 健康へのアドバイス
    第4章 生活習慣病
    第5章 病はクセ直し
    第6章 スーパー老人
    第7章 病気あれこれ
    第8章 救急医療
    第9章 代替医療




第1章 メンタルヘルス

P.23 掲載の参考文献
P.24 掲載の参考文献

第2章 健康診断

P.30 掲載の参考文献

第3章 健康へのアドバイス

P.36 掲載の参考文献

第4章 生活習慣病

P.40 掲載の参考文献
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P.51 掲載の参考文献

第5章 病はクセ直し

P.55 掲載の参考文献
P.57 掲載の参考文献
P.59 掲載の参考文献

第6章 スーパー老人

P.65 掲載の参考文献
P.69 掲載の参考文献

第7章 病気あれこれ

P.76 掲載の参考文献
P.82 掲載の参考文献
P.83 掲載の参考文献

第8章 救急医療

P.101 掲載の参考文献

第9章 代替医療

P.104 掲載の参考文献
P.106 掲載の参考文献
P.107 掲載の参考文献
P.108 掲載の参考文献
Clinical effectiveness of influenza vaccination in persons younger than 65 years with high-risk medical condition. The PRISMA study. Hak E, et al. : Arch Intern Med 2005 ; 165 : 274-280.
P.113 掲載の参考文献
Fruit and vegetable juices and Alzheimer's disease : the Kame project. Dai Q, et al. : Am J Med 2006 ; 119 : 751-759.
P.115 掲載の参考文献
Nut consumption and decreased risk of sudden cardiac death in the physicians' health study. Albert CM, et al. : Arch Intern Med 2002 ; 162 : 1382-1387.
P.117 掲載の参考文献
Prospective study of predictors of vitamin D status and cancer incidence and mortality in men. Giovannucci E, et al. : J Natl Cancer Inst 2006 ; 98 : 451-459.
P.118 掲載の参考文献
Important therapeutic uses of sea buckthorn (Hippophae) : a review Zeb A : J Biological Sciences 2004 : 4 : 687-693.
Obesity and diabetes in the developing world. A growing challenge. Hossain P, et al. : N Engl J Med 2007 ; 356 : 213-215.
P.120 掲載の参考文献
Physical activity and the risk of breast cancer. Thune I, et al. : N Engl J Med 1997 ; 336 : 1269-1275.
P.121 掲載の参考文献
Physical activity, coronary heart disease, and inflammatory response Rothenbacher D, et al. : Ach Intern Med 2003 ; 163 : 1200-1205.
Heart-rate profile during exercise as a predictor of sudden death. Jouven X, et al. : N Engl J Med 2005 ; 352 : 1951-1958.
P.124 掲載の参考文献
Maternal seafood consumption in pregnancy and neurodevelopmental outcomes in childhood (ALSPAC study) : an observational cohort study. Hibbeln JR, et al. : Lancet 2007 ; 369 : 578-585.
Blood levels of long-chain n-3 fatty acids and the risk of sudden death. Albert CM, et al. : N Engl J Med 2002 ; 346 : 1113-1118.
Intake of fish and n3 fatty acids and risk of coronary heart disease among Japanese. Iso H, et al. : Circulation 2006 ; 113 : 195-202.
P.125 掲載の参考文献
Apple juice and the chemical-contact softening of gallstones. Denkkers R : Lancet 1999 ; 354 : 2171.
P.126 掲載の参考文献
Plasma antioxidants from chocolate. Serafini M, et al. : Nature 2003 ; 424 : 1013.
P.127 掲載の参考文献
A prospective study of plasma selenium levels and prostate cancer risk. Li H, et al. : J Natl Cancer Inst 2004 ; 96 : 696-703.
P.128 掲載の参考文献
Alcohol advertising : the last chance saloon. Hasting G, et al. : BMJ 2010 ; 340 : 184-186.
P.129 掲載の参考文献
Prayer for health concerns. Results of a national survey on prevalence and patterns of use. McCaffrey AM, et al. : Arch Intern Med 2004 ; 164 : 858-862.

附録 - 健康百余話

P.130 掲載の参考文献
Complications of viral influenza (Review) Rothberg MB, et al. : Am J Med 2008 ; 121 : 258-264.
P.132 掲載の参考文献
The fluid craze. Lette F and Dwyer JP : Lancet 2008 ; 372 : 782-784.
P.140 掲載の参考文献
Effect of sunlight and season on serotonin turnover in the brain. Lambert GW, et al. : Lancet 2002 ; 360 : 1840-1842.
P.142 掲載の参考文献
Zinc : An essential trace element for parenteral nutrition. Jeejeebhoy K : Gastroenterology 2009 ; 137 : s7-s12.
P.143 掲載の参考文献
Unrecognized scurvy. Choh CTP, et al. : BMJ 2010 ; 340 : 150-151.
P.144 掲載の参考文献
Impact of chlorinated swimming pool attendance on the respiratory health of adlescents. Bernard A, et al. : Pediatrics 2009 ; 124 : 1110-1118.
P.146 掲載の参考文献
Eating "5 a day" provides little protection against cancer. Sayburn A : BMJ 2010 ; 340 : c1944.
P.149 掲載の参考文献
Oenology : Red wine procyanidins and vascular health. Corder R, et al. : Nature 2006 ; 444 : 566.
P.153 掲載の参考文献
The impact of the stone age diet on gingival conditions in the absence of oral hygiene. Baumgartner S, et al. : J Periodontol 2009 ; 80 : 759-768.
P.158 掲載の参考文献
Signalling through RHEB-1 mediates intermittent fasting-induced longevity in C. elegans. Honjoh S, et al. : Nature 2009 ; 457 : 726-730.
P.159 掲載の参考文献
Hair graying is associated with active hair growth. Choi HI, et al. : BJD 2011 ; 165 : 1183-1189.
P.160 掲載の参考文献
High levels of folate from supplements and fortification are not associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer. Stevens VL, et al. : Gastroenterology 2011 ; 141 : 98-105.
P.161 掲載の参考文献
Norovirus gastroenteritis in immunocompromised patients. Bok K and Green KY : N Engl J Med 2012 ; 367 ; 2126-2132.
P.165 掲載の参考文献
Fruit and vegetable intake and risk of major chronic disease. Hung H-C, et al. : J Natl Cancer Inst 2004 ; 96 : 1577-1584.
Nonlinear reduction in risk for colorectal cancer by fruit and vegetable intake based on meta-analysis of prospective studies. Aune D, et al. : Gastroenterology 2011 ; 141 : 106-118.
P.172 掲載の参考文献
Low birthweight and subsequent obesity in Japan. Gluckman PD, et al. : Lancet 2007 ; 369 : 1081-1082.
Periodontal therapy may reduce the risk of preterm low birth weight in women with periodontal disease. A randomized controlled trial. Lopez NJ, et al. : J Periodontol 2002 ; 73 : 911-924.
Clinical report. Diagnosis and prevention of iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia in infants and young children (0-3 years of age) Baker RD, et al. : Pediatrics 2010 ; 126 : 1040-1050.
P.174 掲載の参考文献
Management of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Jarvis S and Nelson-Piercy C : BMJ 2011 ; 342 : 1407-1412.
P.175 掲載の参考文献
Gardening can seriously damage your health. Russell K, et al. : Lancet 2008 ; 371 : 2056.
P.177 掲載の参考文献
Chocolate consumption, cognitive function, and Nobel laureates. Messerli FH : N Engl J Med 2012 ; 367 : 1562-1564.
P.178 掲載の参考文献
The relationship between intestinal microbiota and the central nervous system in normal gastrointestinal function and disease. Collins SM and Bercik P : Gastroenterology 2009 ; 136 : 2003-2014.

