日本臨牀 73/増刊8 リンパ腫学

出版社: 日本臨牀社
発行日: 2015-10-20
分野: 臨床医学:一般  >  雑誌
ISSN: 00471852
特集: リンパ腫学 最新の研究動向
電子書籍版: 2015-10-20 (初版第1刷)

18,700 円(税込)


18,700 円(税込)


  • 日本臨牀 73/増刊8 リンパ腫学


    特集 リンパ腫学 最新の研究動向

    ?.総 論
     1 病理診断の変遷と展望
     2 画像診断の変遷と展望--FDG-PET/CTを中心に--
     3 化学療法と分子標的療法の変遷と展望
     4 放射線療法の変遷と展望
     5 造血幹細胞移植の変遷と展望

     1 日本のリンパ腫疫学的動向と諸外国との比較 
     2 HTLV-1感染の疫学と病原性発現機構 
     3 リンパ腫の危険因子

     1 リンパ組織の形態と機能
     2 リンパ球の分化とリンパ腫発症機構
     3 リンパ腫発症の分子生物学的機序
     4 自己免疫疾患とリンパ腫発症
     5 慢性炎症とリンパ腫発症
     6 リンパ腫におけるマクロファージの役割

     1 B細胞リンパ腫
     2 T細胞リンパ腫
     3 Hodgkinリンパ腫
     4 悪性リンパ腫モデル細胞の作成と
     5 APOBEC3Bによる新規リンパ腫発症機構


     1 WHO分類第4版(2008)の概説と病型頻度
     2 前駆型リンパ球系腫瘍
     3 成熟B細胞腫瘍
     4 成熟性T細胞およびNK細胞腫瘍
     5 Hodgkinリンパ腫(全6項目)
     6 免疫不全関連リンパ増殖異常症
     7 組織球および樹状細胞腫瘍(全8項目)

     1 リンパ腫の検査・診断:概論
     2 臨床症状からの診断と他疾患ならびに
     3 画像診断
     4 リンパ節生検
     5 病期診断規準

     1 悪性リンパ腫の予後指標
     2 ホジキンリンパ腫の予後因子
     3 グラスゴー指数
     4 生物学的予後因子(表面抗原、遺伝子変異など)

     1 総 論
     2 各 論

     1 中枢神経系原発悪性リンパ腫
     2 骨リンパ腫
     3 皮膚リンパ腫と皮下脂肪織炎様T細胞リンパ腫
     4 原発性滲出性リンパ腫 (PEL)
     5 眼・眼付属器リンパ腫
     6 鼻・副鼻腔リンパ腫
     7 甲状腺リンパ腫
     8 唾液腺リンパ腫
     9 乳腺リンパ腫
     10 肺リンパ腫・リンパ腫様肉芽腫症・膿胸関連リンパ腫
     11 肝脾T細胞リンパ腫
     12 消化管リンパ腫
     13 副腎リンパ腫
     14 精巣リンパ腫
     15 子宮・卵巣リンパ腫

    XI.特 論
     1 キャッスルマン病
     2 TAFRO症候群
     3 IgG4関連疾患
     4 Double-hit lymphoma
     5 B細胞腫瘍に対するCAR T細胞療法 




I 総論

P.12 掲載の参考文献
1) Swerdlow SH, et al : WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, IARC Press, Lyon, 2008.
P.20 掲載の参考文献
4) Schoder H, et al : Intensity of 18 fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in positron emission tomography distinguishes between indolent and aggressive non-Hodgk in's lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 23 : 4643-4651, 2005.
13) Zinzani PL, et al : Early interim 18F-FDG PET in Hodgkin's lymphoma : evaluation on 304 patients, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 39 : 4-12, 2012.
14) Dupuis J, et al : Impact of [(18) F] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography response evaluation in patients with high-tumor burden follicular lymphoma treated with immunochemotherapy : a prospectivestudy from the Groupe d'Etudes des Lymphomes de l Adulte and GOELAMS. J Clin Oncol 30 : 4317-4322, 2012.
15) Esfahani SA, et al : Baseline total lesion glycolysis measured with (18) F-FDG PET/CT as a predictor of progression-free survival in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma : a pilot study. Am J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 3 : 272-281, 2013.
16) 長町茂樹ほか : 悪性腫瘍治療効果診断におけるFDG指標の有用性, 問題点について. 臨床放射線 59 : 1805-1811, 2014.
P.26 掲載の参考文献
14) Gopal AK, et al : PI3Kδ inhibition by idelalisib in patients with relapsed indolent lymphoma. N Engl J Med 370 (11) : 1008-1018, 2014.
P.33 掲載の参考文献
6) Yahalom J : Patients with H pylori-independent MALT lymphoma are curable with radiotherapy. Oncology 25 (12) : 1147-1149, 2011.
P.40 掲載の参考文献
5) 張高明ほか : 中等度悪性非ホジキンリンパ腫に対する自己末梢血幹細胞移植併用大量化学療法-臨床前期第II相試験-. 臨床血液 40 : 1058-1067, 1999.
9) Nowakowski GS, et al : Lenalidomide combined with R-CHOP overcomes negative prognostic impact of non-germinal center B-cell phenotype in newly diagnosed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma : a phase II study. J Clin Oncol 33 : 251-257, 2015.
13) Ansell SM, et al : PD-1 blockade with nivolumab in relapsed or refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma. N Engl J Med 372 : 311-319, 2014.

II リンパ腫の疫学と危険因子

P.48 掲載の参考文献
2) Olson JH : Epidemiology. In : Textbook of Malignant Haematology (ed by Degos L, et al), p 1-22, CRC Press, London, 1999.
7) Lymphoma Study Group of Japanese Pathogenesis : The World Health Organization classification of malignant lymphomas in Japan : Incidence of recently recognized entities. Pathol Int 50 : 696-702, 2000.
8) Aclinical evaluation of the International Lymphoma Study Group Classification of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Blood 89 : 3909-3918, 1997.
11) Ko YH, et al : REAL classification of malignant lymphomas in the Republic of Korea : incidence of recently recognized entities and changes in clinicopathologic features. Hematolymphoreticular Study Group of the Korean Society of Pathologists. Revised European-American lymphoma. Cancer 83 : 806-812, 1998.
12) National Cancer Institute sponsored study of classifications of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas : summary and description of a working formulation for clinical usage. The Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Pathologic Classification Project, Cancer 49 : 2112-2135, 1982.
13) Harris NL, et al : Arevised European-American classification of lymphoid neoplasms : a proposal from the International Lymphoma Study Group. Blood 84 : 1361-1392, 1994.
P.53 掲載の参考文献
7) Satou Y, et al : HTLV-1 bZIP factor induces T-cell lymphoma and systemic inflammation in vivo. PLoS Pathog 7 : e1001274, 2011.
P.58 掲載の参考文献
1) Chan JKC, et al : Extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type. In : WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues (ed by Sreven SH, et al), p 285-288, Lyon, IARC, 2008.
2) Chan JKC, et al : Aggressive NK-cell leukemia. In : World Health Organization Classification of Tumors : Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, p 276-277, Lyon, IARC Press, 2008.
9) Rickinson AB, Kieff E : Epstein-Barr Virus, In : Fields Virology (ed by Knipe DM, Howley P), p2604-2699, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Press, 2013.
10) 新井文子 : 臨床血液 56 : 269-277, 2015.
13) Nakamura M, et al : Elevated expression of activation-induced cytidine deaminase in T and NK cells from patients with chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection. Eur J Dermatol 21 : 780-782, 2011.
P.63 掲載の参考文献
2) Damania BA, Cesearman E : Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpeg. virus. In : Fields Virology, Vol. 2 (ed by Knipe DM, Howley PM), p 2080-2128, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2013.
5) Purushothaman P, et al : Transcriptome analysis of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus during de novo primary infection of human B and endothelial cells. J Virol 89 : 3093-3111, 2015.
11) Aoki Y, et al : Angiogenesis and hematopoiesis induced by Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus-encoded interleukin-6. Blood 93 : 4034-4043, 1999.
13) Burger R, et al : Human herpesvirus type 8 interleukin-6 homologue is functionally active on human myeloma cells. Blood 91 : 1858-1863, 1998.
P.69 掲載の参考文献
2) de Sanjose S, et al : Hepatitis C and non-Hodgkin Iymphoma among 4784 cases and 6269 controls from the international lymphoma epidemiology consortium. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 6 : 451-458, 2008.
7) Zuckeman E, et al : The effect of antiviral therapy on t (14 ; 18) translocation and immunoglobulin gene rearrangement in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Blood 97 : 1555-1559, 2001.
P.73 掲載の参考文献
4) Raphael M, et al : Lymphomas associated with HIV infection. In : WHO Classification of Tumors of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues (ed by Swerdlow SH), p 340-342, WHO press, 2008.
P.78 掲載の参考文献
1) Isaacson PG, et al : Extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT lymphoma). In : WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, 4th ed (ed by Swerdlow SH, et al), p 214-217, IARC Press, Lyon, 2008.
2) Nakamura S, Matsumoto T : Helicobacter pylo夕i and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma : recent progress in pathogenesis and management. World J Gastroenterol 19 : 8181-8187, 2013.
8) Du MQ : MALT lymphoma : many roads lead to nuclear factor-κB activation. Histopathology 58 : 26-38, 2011.
11) Lin WC, et al : Translocation of Helicobacter pylori CagA into human B lymphocytes, the origin of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. Cancer Res 70 : 5740-5748, 2010.
P.84 掲載の参考文献
1) Shugart YY, et al : Apparent anticipation and heterogeneous transmission patterns in familial Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma : report from a study based on Swedish cancer database. Leuk Lymphoma 42 : 407-4152001.
4) Morio T : Common variable immunodeficiency : the spectrum of disease manifestations and molecular basis of the disorder. Rinsho Ketsueki 54 : 1983-1991, 2013.
13) Cerhan JR, et al : Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Nat Genet 46 : 1233-1238, 2014.
P.90 掲載の参考文献
1) 独立行政法人放射線医学総合研究所監訳 : 放射線の線源と影響. 原子放射線の影響に関する国連科学委員会UNSCEAR 2008年報告書第2巻, p 158-171, 独立行政法人放射線医学総合研究所, 2013.
5) 青山喬, 丹羽太貫 (編著) : 放射線基礎医学第12版, p 169 -220, 金芳堂, 2013.
6) 江島洋介, 木村博 (共編), 日本放射線技術学会 (監修) : 放射線生物学, p72-76, オーム社, 2008.

III リンパ組織の生物学とリンパ腫の発症機序

P.100 掲載の参考文献
1) 内山安男, 相磯貞和 (監訳) : Ross組織学, p 396-441, 南江堂, 2010.
2) 松島綱治, 山田幸宏 (監訳) : Abbas, Lichtman, Pillai分子細胞免疫学, 第7版, p 267-319, Elsevier, 2014.
3) Ioachim's lymph node pathology, 4th ed (ed by Ioachim HL Medeiros LJ), Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wlkins, p 2-14, 2008.
6) 清野宏 (編) : 臨床粘膜免疫学. p124-177, シナジー, 2010.
P.104 掲載の参考文献
2) Muramatsu M, et al : Class switch recombination and hypermutation require activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), a potential RNA editing enzyme. Cell 102 : 553-563, 2000.
12) Swerdlow SH CE, et al (eds) : WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, 4th ed, Lyon, 2008.
P.111 掲載の参考文献
11) Akasaka H, et al : Molecular anatomy of BCL6 translocations revealed by Iong-distance polymerase chain reaction-based assays. Cancer Res 60 : 2335-2341, 2000.
15) Ansell SM, et al : PD-1 blockade with nivolumab in relapsed or refractory Hodgkin's lymphoma. N Engl J Med 372 : 311-319, 2015.
P.115 掲載の参考文献
1) Afshar-Sterle S. et al : Fas ligand-mediated immune surveillance by T cells is essential for the control of spontaneous B cell lymphomas. Nat Med 20 : 283-290, 2014.
14) Treon SP, et al : MYD88 L265P somatic mutation in Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. N Engl J Med 367 : 826-833. 2012.
P.121 掲載の参考文献
30) Lee JH, et al : nm23-H1 protein expression and gene mutation in 150 patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, J Korean Med Sci 21 (4) : 645-651, 2006.
35) Feldman AL, et al : Discovery of recurrent t (6 ; 7) (p25. 3 ; q32. 3) translocations in ALK-negative anaplastic large cell lymphomas by massively parallel genomic sequencing. Blood 117 (3) : 915-919, 2011.
40) Jager R, et al : Mice transgenic for NPM-ALK develop non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Anticancer Res 25 (5) : 3191-3196, 2005.
42) Turner SD, et al : CD2 promoter regulated nucleophosmin-anaplastic lymphoma kinase in transgenic mice causes B lymphoid malignancy. Anticancer Res 26 (5A) : 3275-3279, 2006.
P.127 掲載の参考文献
9) Tobon GJ, et al : Role of Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand as a potential biologic marker of lymphoma in primary Sjogren's syndrome. Arthritis Rheum 65 : 3218-3227, 2013.
P.133 掲載の参考文献
1) WHO classification of tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues (ed by Swerdlow SH, et al), IARC, Lyon, 2008.
13) Hasui K, et al : Quantitative highly-sensitive immunohistochemistry (Modified ImmunoMax) of HTLV-1 p40tax and p27rex proteins in HTLV-1-associated non-neoplastic lymphadenopathy (HANNLA) with estimation of HTLV-1 dose by polymerase chain reaction. Dendritic Cells 7 : 19-27, 1997.
14) Takenouchi N, et al : Molecular pathologic analysis of the tonsil in HTLV-1-infected individuals. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 22 : 200-207, 1999.
15) Hara H, et al : Clustering of CARMA1 through SH3-GUK domain interactions is required for its activation of NF-κB signaling. Nat Commun 6 : 5555, 2015.
P.139 掲載の参考文献
6) 菰原義弘, 竹屋元裕 : がん間質におけるマクロファージ : 腫瘍随伴マクロファージ (TAM)の役割とそのマーカー. 病理と臨床 32 : 17-23, 2014.
10) Steidl C, et al : Tumor-associated macrophages and survival in classic Hodgkin's lymphoma. N Engl J Med 362 : 875-885, 2010.
11) 菰原義弘ほか : ATLLにおけるCD163陽性マクロファージの重要性 (The clinical significance of CD163-positive tumor associated macrophages in ATLL). 血液内科 68 : 36-68, 2014.

IV リンパ腫研究の動向

P.147 掲載の参考文献
3) Kobayashi S, et al : Identification of IGHCδ-BACH2 fusion transcripts resulting from cryptic chromosomal rearrangements of 14q32 with 6q15 in aggressive B-cell lymphoma/leukemia. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 50 : 207-216, 2011.
4) Kurata M, et al : Characterization of t (3 ; 6) (q27 ; p21) breakpoints in B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and construction of the histone H4/BCL6 fusion gene, leading to altered expression of Bcl-6. Cancer Res 62 (21) : 6224-6230, 2002.
6) Hosokawa Y, et al : The Ikaros gene, a central regulator of lymphoid differentiation, fuses to the BCL6 gene as a result of t (3 ; 7) (q27 ; p12) translocation in a patient with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Blood 95 (8) : 2719-2721, 2000.
8) Hummel M, et al : A biologic definition of Burkitt's lymphoma from transcriptional and genomic profiling. N Engl J Med 354 (23) : 2419-2430, 2006.
P.153 掲載の参考文献
1) 土橋映仁 : 次世代シークエンサーとリンパ腫. 病理と臨床 33 : 512-516, 2015.
7) Morin R, et al : Somatic mutations altering EZH 2 (Tyr641) in follicular and diffuse large B-cell lymphomas of germinal-center origin. Nat Genet 42 (2) : 181-185, 2010.
10) Treon SP, et al : MYD88 L265P somatic mutation in Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. N Engl J Med 367 (9) : 826-833, 2012.
P.157 掲載の参考文献
6) Stein H, et al : Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified, p 233-237, IARC Press, Lyon, 2008.
9) Marcucci F, et al : The association of hepatitis B virus infection with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma-a review. Am J Blood Res 2 : 18-28, 2012.
13) 岩切大ほか : EBウイルスによる発癌機構.ウイルス 56 : 201-208, 2006.
P.162 掲載の参考文献
1) Swerdlow SH, et al : WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, 4th ed, Lyon, 2008.
2) Nakamura M, et al : Frequent alterations of the p14 (ARF) and p16 (INK4a) genes in primary central nervous system lymphomas. Cancer Res 61 : 6335-6339, 2001.
8) Xu X, et al : Double-hit and triple-hit lymphomas arising from follicular lymphoma following acquisition of MYC : report of two cases and literature review. Int J Clin Exp Pathol 6 (4) : 788-794, 2013.
P.166 掲載の参考文献
3) Nepomuceno RR, et al : Rapamycin inhibits the interleukin 10 signal transduction pathway and the growth of Epstein Barr virus B-cell lymphomas. Cancer Res 63 : 4472-4480, 2003.
15) Sapra P, Allen TM : Internalizing antibodies are necessary for improved therapeutic efficacy of antibody-targeted liposomal drugs. Cancer Res 62 : 7190-7194, 2002.
P.171 掲載の参考文献
3) Satou Y, et al : HTLV-1 bZIP factor induces T-cell lymphoma and systemic inflammation in vivo. PLoS Pathog 7 : e1001274, 2011.
4) Kamada N, et al : Chromosome abnormalities in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma : a karyotype review committee report. Cancer Res 52 : 1481-1493, 1992.
12) Zhao T, et al : HTLV-1 bZIP factor enhances TGF-β signaling through p300 coactivator. Blood 118 : 1865-1876, 2011.
P.175 掲載の参考文献
9) Yamaglshi M, et al : Polycomb-mediated loss of miR-31 activates NIK-dependent NF-κB pathway in adult T cell leukemia and other cancers. Cancer Cell 21 : 121-135, 2012.
P.181 掲載の参考文献
2) Miyatake Y, et al : Anchorage-dependent multicellular aggregate formation induces CD44 high cancer stem cell-like ATL cells in an NF-κB-and vimentin-dependent manner. Cancer Lett 357 : 355-363, 2015.
P.185 掲載の参考文献
P.189 掲載の参考文献
P.194 掲載の参考文献
1) Bargou RC, et al : High-level nuclear NF-kappa B and Oct-2 is a common feature of cultured Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg cells. Blood 87 (10) : 4340-4347, 1996.
5) 田丸淳一 : リンパ腫の検査・診断 診断 ホジキンリンパ腫の病理診断. 日本臨牀 72 (3) : 450-455. 2014.
8) Martin-Subero JI, et al : Recurrent involvement of the REL and BCL11A loci in classical Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood 99 (4) : 1474-1477, 2002.
13) Tokunaga F, et al : Specific recognition of linear polyubiquitin by A20 zinc finger 7 is involved in NF-κB regulation. EMBO J 31 (19) : 3856-3870, 2012.
P.200 掲載の参考文献
P.203 掲載の参考文献
3) Muramatsu M, et al : Class switch recombination and hypermutation require activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), a potential RNA editing enzyme. Cell 102 : 553-563, 2000.

V リンパ腫に関するガイドライン概説 - 日本血液学会造血器腫瘍診療ガイドラインについて -

P.215 掲載の参考文献
1) 日本血液学会 (編) : 造血器腫瘍診療ガイドライン2013年版, 金原出版, 2013.
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VI リンパ腫のWHO分類 ( 2008 )

P.225 掲載の参考文献
P.229 掲載の参考文献
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7) Borowitz MJ, Chan JKC : Blymphoblastic leukaemia/lymphoma, not otherwise specified. In : WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues (ed by Swerdlow SH, et al), p168-170, IARC, Lyon, 2008.
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18) Coustan-Smith E, et al : Early T-cell precursor leukaemia : a subtype of very high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Lancet Oncol 10 (2) : 147-156, 2009.
P.246 掲載の参考文献
1) WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues, IARC press, 2008.
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12) Traverse-Glehen A, et al : Splenic diffuse red pulp small-B cell lymphoma : toward the emergence of a new lymphoma entity. Discov Med 13 : 253-265, 2012.
13) Machii T, et al : Predominance of a distinct subtype of hairy cell leukemia in Japan. Leukemia 7 : 181-186, 1993.
14) Treon SP, et al : MYD88 L265P somatic mutation in Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. N Engl J Med 367 : 826-833, 2012.
19) Taddesse-Heath L, et al : Marginal zone B-cell lymphoma in children and young adults. Am J Surg Pathol 27 : 522-531, 2003.
20) 中峯寛和ほか : Hodgkinリンパ腫および濾胞性リンパ腫の発生頻度の推移について. 日病理会誌 91 : 346, 2002.
30) 日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会, 皮膚がん予後統計委員会 : 皮膚リンパ腫全国症例数調査2013第30回日本皮膚悪性腫瘍学会学術大会.
40) Dave SS, et al : Molecular diagnosisof Burkitt's lymphoma. N Engl J Med 354 : 2431-2442, 2006.
P.257 掲載の参考文献
1) Sreven SH, et al : World Health Organization Classification of Tumors : Tumors of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Press, Lyon, 2008.
3) The Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Classification Project : A clinical evaluation of the International Lymphoma Study Group classification of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Blood 89 : 3909-3918, 1997.
P.264 掲載の参考文献
2) Swerdlow SH, et al (eds) : World Health Organization classification of tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues, IARC Press, Lyon, 2008.
3) 田丸淳一 : わが国のホジキンリンパ腫の特徴と他疾患との鑑別ポイント. 血液内科 64 (3) : 227-232, 2012.
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