心臓 56/4 2024年4月号

出版社: 日本医学出版
発行日: 2024-04-15
分野: 臨床医学:内科  >  雑誌
ISSN: 05864488
電子書籍版: 2024-04-15

2,200 円(税込)


2,200 円(税込)


  • Open HEART

    HEART’s Selection
    3.2層検出器dual energy CTを用いた冠動脈プラーク、冠動脈周囲脂肪、肺動脈血栓、
    4.2層検出器dual energy CTを用いた左室、右室心筋壁、左房壁の評価
    5.Dual-energy CTを用いた尿酸塩結晶の検出

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【HEART' s Selection】

P.328 掲載の参考文献
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P.334 掲載の参考文献
1) van der Werf NR, Booij R, Greuter MJW, et al:Reproducibility of coronary artery calcium quantification on dual-source CT and dual-source photon-counting CT:a dynamic phantom study. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 2022;38:1613-1619
2) Dobrolinska MM, van der Werf NR, van der Bie J, et al:Radiation dose optimization for photon-counting CT coronary artery calcium scoring for different patient sizes:a dynamic phantom study. Eur Radiol 2023;33:4668-4675
3) Xie C, Chan K, Nikolaidou C, et al:Photon counting computed tomography:pure calcium using coronary computed tomography angiography vs calcium mea-surement from non-contrast computed tomography. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr 2023;17(Suppl 4):S75
4) Rajendran K, Petersilka M, Henning A, et al:First clinical photon-counting detector CT system:technical evaluation. Radiology 2022;303:130-138
5) Si-Mohamed SA, Boccalini S, Lacombe H, et al:Coronary CT Angiography with Photon-counting CT:First-In-Human Results. Radiology 2022;303:303-313
6) McCollough CH, Rajiah P, Bois JP, et al:Comparison of Photon-counting Detector and Energy-integrating Detector CT for Visual Estimation of Coronary Percent Luminal Stenosis. Radiology 2023;309:e230853
7) Hagar MT, Soschynski M, Saffar R, et al:Accuracy of Ultrahigh-Resolution Photon-counting CT for Detecting Coronary Artery Disease in a High-Risk Population. Radiology 2023;307:e223305
8) Mergen V, Sartoretti T, Baer-Beck M, et al:Ultra-High-Resolution Coronary CT Angiography With Photon-Counting Detector CT:Feasibility and Image Characterization. Invest Radial 2022;57:780-788
9) Decker JA, O'Doherty J, Schoepf UJ, et al:Stent imaging on a clinical dual-source photon-counting detector CT system-impact of luminal attenuation and sharp kernels on lumen visibility. Eur Radial 2023;33:2469-2477
10) Mergen V, Eberhard M, Manka R, et al:First in-human quantitative plaque characterization with ultra-high resolution coronary photon-counting CT angiography. Front Cardiovasc Med 2022;9:981012
11) Allmendinger T, Nowak T, Flohr T, et al:Photoncounting detector CT-based vascular calcium removal algorithm:assessment using a cardiac motion phantom. Invest Radiol 2022;57:399-405
12) Nishihara T, Miyoshi T, Nakashima M, et al:Diagnostic improvements of calcium-removal image reconstruction algorithm using photon-counting detector CT for calcified coronary lesions. Eur J Radiol 2024;172:111354
13) Cundari G, Deilmann P, Mergen V, et al:Saving contrast media in coronary CT angiography with photoncounting detector CT. Acad Radiol 2024;31:212-220
P.344 掲載の参考文献
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6) 船橋伸禎, 宿谷 篤, 三角和雄:2 層検出器をもつスペクトラルCTが臨床にもたらすインパクト. 医学のあゆみ2023;287:529-532
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【HEART' s Original】

P.375 掲載の参考文献
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