CDCガイドラインの使い方 感染対策

出版社: メディカ出版
発行日: 2019-02-25
分野: 看護学  >  臨床/成人/老人
ISBN: 9784840468541
電子書籍版: 2019-02-25 (電子書籍版)

3,300 円(税込)


3,300 円(税込)




  • 【1 SSIガイドライン】
    〔Point of View1〕期末試験の勉強はいつ始める?
    〔Point of View2〕期末試験の勉強はいつまで続ける?
             [予防抗菌薬の追加投与はいつまで続ける? ]
    〔Point of View3〕今日の体重、どこまで許せる?何kgから~何kgまで?
    〔Point of View4〕庭の草取りをしていて、蚊に刺されても平気?
    〔Point of View5〕シャワーや入浴を我慢すると風邪を引かない?

    【2 血管内カテーテルガイドライン】
    〔Point of View1〕公衆トイレには掃除専門のスタッフが常駐すべきか?
    〔Point of View2〕電車に乗車するときには、自宅を何時に出発したらよいか?
    〔Point of View3〕スケルトン製品は人気がある!
    〔Point of View4〕ラーメンのどんぶりはどのようにして洗う?
    〔Point of View5〕車の運転中に信号が赤になったら、停まれ!

    【3 ノロウイルスアウトブレイクのガイドライン】
    〔Point of View1〕ボルダリングとノロウイルスの関係は?
    〔Point of View2〕ノロウイルスのキーワードは「48時間」

    【4 尿道カテーテルガイドライン】
    〔Point of View1〕冷蔵庫を定期的に買い替えない
    〔Point of View2〕そうめんやキャベツは細いほうが美味しい
    〔Point of View3〕砂埃のなかを運転するときには窓を閉める
    〔Point of View4〕水が淀むとゴミが溜まる
    〔Point of View5〕三種の神器!

    【5 隔離予防策ガイドライン】
    〔Point of View1〕人を見たら泥棒と思え!
    〔Point of View2〕大型台風が来たら、家の補強をしよう!
    〔Point of View3〕未来を予測しよう! 占いは当たるか?
    〔Point of View4〕秋刀魚を食べるとき、飼い犬の散歩のとき
    〔Point of View5〕空気を読む人、作る人とは?

    【6 結核ガイドライン】
    〔Point of View1〕ベジタリアンとペスクタリアンとは?
    〔Point of View2〕フィットテストとシールチェック
    〔Point of View3〕空気感染隔離室=トイレ?
    〔Point of View4〕芽を摘む

    【7 院内肺炎ガイドライン】
    〔Point of View1〕野山の露(=人工呼吸器の結露)は汚い?
    〔Point of View2〕挿管時のチューブ内の分泌物=2階のトイレの汚水?
    〔Point of View3〕アフリカ旅行時の発熱=ICUでの発熱
    〔Point of View4〕周囲の人々から嫌われる人とは?
    〔Point of View5〕ゴルフの腕前は練習回数に比例する?

    【8 環境制御ガイドライン】
    〔Point of View1〕「手指の接触面」はシンプル・イズ・ベスト
    〔Point of View2〕キウイやスイカは野菜? 果物?
    〔Point of View3〕あなたのストーブは何畳用?
    〔Point of View4〕子どもが鼻血を出しても慌てない
    〔Point of View5〕カーペットには微生物が潜んでいる!

    【9 手指衛生ガイドライン】
    〔Point of View1〕森林公園のトイレの悲劇
    〔Point of View2〕外科医は料理をしてはならない

    【10 透析ガイドライン】
    〔Point of View1〕人は城、人は石垣、人は堀
    〔Point of View2〕新幹線のトイレの床に直接座ることができる?
    〔Point of View3〕的外れな対策とは?

    【11 血液曝露ガイドライン群】
    〔Point of View1〕いつまでも若くない!
    〔Point of View2〕増税と一発屋芸人
    〔Point of View3〕HBV ワクチンは昔取った杵柄
    〔Point of View4〕感染した医師は原因を思い起こすことができない
    〔Point of View5〕コンサート入場までの道のりとHBVの針刺し対策
    〔Point of View6〕選択肢は一つのほうがいい
    〔Point of View7〕なんでも短いほうがいい!
    〔コラム〕HIV スクリーニング検査のウインドウ期

    【12 インフルエンザワクチン推奨群】
    〔Point of View1〕何でも割り勘がよい!
    〔Point of View2〕母から子どもへの0歳のプレゼント
    〔Point of View3〕二兎を追う者は一兎をも得ず




1 SSIガイドライン

P.21 掲載の参考文献
1) CDC. Guideline for prevention of surgical site infection, 2017.
2) CDC. Guideline for prevention of surgical site infection, 1999.
3) WHO. Global guidelines for the prevention of surgical site infection.
6) Rogers, DM. et al. Povidone-iodine wound irrigation and wound sepsis. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 157 (5), 1983, 426-30.
7) Sindelar, WF. et al. Randomised trial of intraperitoneal irrigation with low molecular weight povidone-iodine solution to reduce intra-abdominal infectious complications. J Hosp Infect. 6, 1985, SupplA : 103-14.
8) Sindelar, WF. et al. Intraperitoneal irrigation with povidone-iodine solution for the prevention of intra-abdominal abscesses in the bacterially contaminated abdomen. Surg Gynecol Obstet. 148 (3), 1979, 409-11.
9) Chang, FY. et al. Can povidone-iodine solution be used safely in a spinal surgery? Eur Spine J. 15 (6), 2006, 1005-14.

2 血管内カテーテルガイドライン

P.36 掲載の参考文献
1) CDC. Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections, 2011.
2) Pearson, ML. Guideline for prevention of intravascular device-related infections. Part I. Intravascular device-related infections : an overview. The Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee. Am J Infect Control. 24 (4), 1996, 262-77.
3) CDC. Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections, 2002.
4) Van Donk, P. et al. Routine replacement versus clinical monitoring of peripheral intravenous catheters in a regional hospital in the home program : a randomized controlled trial. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 30 (9), 2009, 915-7.
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18) Maki, DG. et al. Prospective randomised trial of povidone-iodine, alcohol, and chlorhexidine for prevention of infection associated with central venous and arterial catheters. Lancet. 338 (8763), 1991, 339-43.
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20) Maki, DG. et al. Evaluation of dressing regimens for prevention of infection with peripheral intravenous catheters. Gauze, a transparent polyurethane dressing, and an iodophortransparent dressing. JAMA. 258 (17), 1987, 2396-403.
21) Menyhay, SZ. et al. Preventing central venous catheter-associated bloodstream infections : development of an antiseptic barrier cap for needleless connectors. Am J Infect Control. 36 (10) : (Suppl 174), 2008, e1-5.
22) Sherertz, RJ. et al. Education of physiciansin-training can decrease the risk for vascular catheter infection. Ann Intern Med. 132 (8), 2000, 641-8.

3 ノロウイルスアウトブレイクのガイドライン

P.44 掲載の参考文献
1) MacCannell T, et al. Guideline for the prevention and control of norovirus gastroenteritis outbreaks in healthcare settings. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2011, 32 (10), 939-69.
2) Graham DY, et al. Norwalk virus infection of volunteers : new insights based on improved assays. J Infect Dis. 170 (1), 1994, 34-43.

4 尿道カテーテルガイドライン

P.56 掲載の参考文献
1) CDC. Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections,2009.
2) Wong, ES. Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Am J Infect Control. 11 (1), 1983, 28-36.

5 隔離予防策ガイドライン

P.68 掲載の参考文献
2) Garner JS. Guidelines for isolation precautions in hospitals, 1996.

6 結核ガイドライン

P.80 掲載の参考文献
1) CDC. Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings, 2005).
2) CDC. Guidelines for preventing the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in healthcare facilities, 1994. MMWR. 43 (No. RR-13), 1994.
3) The Vegetarian Society. FAQs About vegetarianism.
4) American Thoracic Society, CDC, Infectious Disease Society of America. Diagnostic standards and classification of tuberculosis in adults and children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 161 (4 Pt 1), 2000, 1376-95.
5) American Thoracic Society, CDC, and Infectious Disease Society of America. Treatment of tuberculosis. MMWR. 52 (No. RR-11), 2003.
6) D'Agata EM, et al. Nosocomial transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from an extrapulmonary site. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 22 (1), 2001, 10-2.
7) Keijman J, et al. Unusual nosocomial transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 20 (11), 2001, 808-9.
8) CDC. Targeted tuberculin testing and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection.
9) American Thoracic Society, CDC. Update : adverse event data and revised American Thoracic Society/CDC recommendations against the use of rifampin and pyrazinamide for treatment of latent tuberculosis infection---United States, 2003. MMWR. 52 (31), 2003, 735-9.

7 院内肺炎ガイドライン

P.95 掲載の参考文献
1) CDC. Guidelines for preventing health-care-associated pneumonia, 2003.
2) CDC. Guideline for prevention of nosocomial pneumonia.
3) Craven DE, et al. Contaminated condensate in mechanical ventilator circuits. A risk factor for nosocomial pneumonia? Am Rev Respir Dis. 129 (4), 1984, 625-8.
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12) Fink JB, et al. Extending ventilator circuit change interval beyond 2 days reduces the likelihood of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Chest. 113 (2), 1998, 405-11.

8 環境制御ガイドライン

P.108 掲載の参考文献
1) CDC. Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care facilities, 2013.
2) CDC. Guideline for handwashing and hospital environmental control, 1985.
3) CDC. Guidelines for prevention of nosocomial pneumonia,1997.
4) Anderson RL. Biological evaluation of carpeting. Appl Microbiol. 18 (2), 1969, 180-7.
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8) Gerson SL, et al. Aspergillosis due to carpet contamination. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 15 (4 Pt 1), 1994, 221- 3.

9 手指衛生ガイドライン

P.118 掲載の参考文献
1) CDC. Guideline for hand hygiene in health-care settings.
2) CDC. Guideline for handwashing and hospital environmental control.
3) WHO. Guidelines on hand hygiene in health care. [Full version] [Summary]

10 透析ガイドライン

P.129 掲載の参考文献
1) CDC. Recommendations for Preventing Transmission of Infections Among Chronic Hemodialysis Patients.
2) Favero MS, et al. Hepatitis-B antigen on environmental surfaces [Letter]. Lancet. 2 (7843), 1973, 1455.
3) Bond WW, et al. Survival of hepatitis B virus after drying and storage for one week [Letter]. Lancet. 1 (8219), 1981, 550-1.
4) Alter MJ, et al. Impact of infection control strategies on the incidence of dialysis-associated hepatitis in the United States. J Infect Dis. 153 (6), 1986, 1149-51.
5) Najem GR, et al. Control of hepatitis B infection : The role of surveillance and an isolation hemodialysis center. JAMA. 245 (2), 1981, 153-7.

11 血液曝露ガイドライン群

P.153 掲載の参考文献
1) CDC. Guideline for infection control in health care personnel, 1998.
2) Updated U.S. Public Health Service Guidelines for the Management of Occupational Exposures to HBV, HCV, and HIV and Recommendations for Postexposure Prophylaxis, 2001.
3) CDC. Recommendations for preventing transmission of infections among chronic hemodialysis patients, 2001.
4) CDC. A comprehensive immunization strategy to eliminate transmission of hepatitis B virus infection in the United States, 2006.
5) CDC. Guidance for evaluating health-care personnel for hepatitis B virus protection and for administering postexposure management, 2013.
7) CDC. Viral Hepatitis : Hepatitis C information.
8) 飯野四郎. 組換え沈降B形肺炎ワクチン (酵母由来, HBX-R) の第三相試験成績. 薬理と治療. 15 (6), 1987, 2403-15.
9) 厚労省. B型肝炎ワクチンの定期接種が始まります! (ポスター)
10) Callender ME, et al. Hepatitis B virus infection in medical and health care personnel. Br Med J. 284 (6312), 1982, 324-6.
11) Chaudhuri AK, et al. Hepatitis B virus infection in medical and health care personnel. Br Med J. 284 (6326), 1982, 1408.
12) Garibaldi RA, et al. Nonparenteral serum hepatitis : Report of an outbreak. JAMA. 220 (7), 1972, 963-6.
13) Rosenberg JL, et al. Viral hepatitis : an occupational hazard to surgeons. JAMA. 223 (4), 1973, 395-400.
14) Bond WW, et al. Survival of hepatitis B virus after drying and storage for one week. Lancet. 1 (8219), 1981, 550-1.
16) Favero MS, et al. HepatitisB antigen on environmental surfaces. Lancet. 2 (7843), 1973, 1455.
17) Lauer JL, et al. Transmission of hepatitis B virus in clinical laboratory areas. J Infect Dis. 140 (4), 1979, 513-6.
18) Updated US Public Health Service Guidelines for the management of occupational exposures to HIV and Recommendations for postexposure prophylaxis.
19) エイズ治療・研究開発センター : HIV感染症の診断.

12 インフルエンザワクチン推奨群

P.165 掲載の参考文献
1) CDC. Prevention and control of influenza with vaccines : Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2011.
2) CDC. Prevention and control of seasonal influenza with vaccines : Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices-United States, 2016-17 Influenza Season.
4) CDC. Prevention and control of seasonal influenza with vaccines : Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices-United States, 2013-2014.
5) CDC. Pregnant women & influenza (Flu).
6) ACIP Recommendations and Pregnancy (Flu).
7) Pool V, et al. Safety of influenza vaccination during pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 194 (4), 2006, 1200, author reply 1201.
8) 厚生労働省. 平成28年版厚生労働白書-人口高齢化を乗り越える社会モデルを考える-.
9) CDC. Prevention and control of seasonal influenza with Vaccines : Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices-United States, 2018-19 Influenza Season.

