
出版社: 日本助産師会出版
発行日: 2022-02-01
分野: 看護学  >  母性看護
ISBN: 9784905023357
電子書籍版: 2022-02-01 (初版第1刷)

1,650 円(税込)


1,155 円(税込)




  • 第1章:パートナーシップの開拓





P.3 掲載の参考文献
1. Guilliland K & Pairman S, 1994. The Midwifery Partnership : a model for practice. NZCOM Journal, October 1994, p. 5.
2. Monograph Series : 95/1 Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Victoria University of Wellington


P.4 掲載の参考文献
2. Monograph Series : 95/1 Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Victoria University of Wellington

第1章 パートナーシップの展開

P.6 掲載の参考文献
Abbott, A. 1988. The system of professions : an essay on the expert division of labour. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press.
Auckland Maternity Services Consumer Council. 1993. Quality indicators for Auckland maternity services. Auckland : Auckland Maternity Services Consumer Council.
Arms, S. 1975. Immaculate deception. New York : Bantum Books.
Association of Radical Midwives. 1986. The vision : proposals for the future of the maternity services. London : Association of Radical Midwives.
Balaskas, J. 1983. Active birth. London : Unwin Paperbacks.
Barrington, E. 1985. Midwifery is catching. Toronto : NC Press Ltd.
Belenky, M. E, Clinchy, B. Mc., Goldberger, N. R., &Tarule, J. M. 1986. Women's ways of knowing : the development of self, voice and mind. USA : Basic Books.
Bickley, J. 1989. Attempting to involve consumers in midwifery policy development. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (1), pp. 11-13.
Broom, D. H. 1984. The medicalisation of childbirth : a new role for the midwife. Healthright, 4 (1), November, pp. 10-14.
Bryar, R. 1988. Midwifery and models of care. Midwifery, 4, pp. 111-117.
Cambell, J. C., & Bunting, S. 1991. Voices and paradigms : perspectives on critical and feminist theory in nursing. Advanced Nursing Science, 13 (3), pp. 1-15.
Canterbury Area Health Board. 1991. Mothers surveys. Christchurch : Canterbury Area Health Board.
Cartwright, S. 1988. The report of the cervical cancer inquiry. Auckland : Government Printing Office.
Christiansen, J. 1990. Nursing partnership : a model for nursing practice. Wellington : Daphne Brasell Associates Press.
Colliere, M. F. 1986. Invisible care and invisible women as health care providers. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 23 (2), pp. 95-112.
Coney, S. 1993. Standing in the sunshine.
Coopers & Lybrand. 1993. First steps towards an integrated maternity services framework : a report for the New Zealand Regional Health Authorities. Wellington : Coopers & Lybrand.
Coyle, A. 1992. Six years of independent midwifery in London. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (7), pp. 19-23.
Davis, E. 1981. A guide to midwifery : heart and hands. Santa Fe N. M. : John Muir Publications.
Department of Health, NZ. 1989. Discussion paper on care for pregnancy and childbirth. Wellington : Department of Health.
Department of Health, NZ. 1991. Principles and guidelines for informed choice and consent. Wellington : Department of Health.
Department of Health, UK. 1993. Changing childbirth. Part one : report of the expert maternity group. London : HMSO Publications.
Dobbie, M. 1990. The trouble with women. The story of Parellts Centre New Zealand. Whatamongo Bay : Cape Catley Ltd.
Doering, L. 1992. Power and knowledge in nursing : a feminist poststructuralist view. Advanced Nursing Science, 14 (4), pp. 24-33.
Donley, J. 1986. Save the midwife. Auckland : New Women's Press.
Donley, J. 1989. The importance of consumer control over childbirth. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (1), pp. 6-7.
Donley, J. 1992. History of NZ Homebirth Association. Auckland : Auckland Homebirth Association.
Donnison, J. 1988. Midwives and medical men : a history of the struggle for the control of childbirth (2nd ed.). Herts : Historical Publications.
Durwood, L, & Evans, R. 1990. Pressure groups and maternity care. In J. Garcia, R. Kilpatrick, & M. Richards (Eds.), The politics of maternity care, pp. 256-274. New York : Oxford University Press.
Ehrenreich, B., & English, D. 1979. For her own good : 150 years of the expert's advice to women. London : Pluto Press.
Eisenstein, H. 1984. Contemporary feminist thought. London : Unwin Paperbacks.
Enkin, M., Keirse, M., & Chalmers, I. 1989. A guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Fersterer, T. 1993. Empowerment in childbirth : women's home and hospital birth experiences. (Thesis for Masters Social Sciences, Psychology). Hamilton : University of Waikato.
Finklestein, J. 1988. Women, pregnancy & childbirth. In J. Scutt (Ed.), The baby machine : commercialisation of motherhood, pp. 12-32. Canton : McCulloch Publishing Pty Ltd.
Flanagan, J. 1993. Speaking up and talking out : barriers and obstacles to nurse midwifery practice. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 38 (4), pp. 246-251.
Flint, C. 1986. Sensitive Midwifery. London : Heinemann Midwifery.
Flint, C. 1993. Midwifery teams and caseloads. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
Foucault, M 1980. Power/knowledge, selected interviews and other writings 1972-1977. Brighton : The Harvester Press.
Fougere, G. 1990. Health. In P Spoonley, D. Pearson, & I. Shirley (Eds.), New Zealand society : a sociological introduction. Palmerston North : Dunmore Press.
Gaskin, I. M. 1980. Spiritual midwifery. Summertown : The Book Publishing Company.
Guilliland, K. 1989. Maintaining the links. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (1), p. 14.
Houd, S. 1993. 23 The spirit of midwifery. Keynote Address. Proceedings of the International Confederation of Midwives, 23rd international congress, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 75-86.
Inch, S. 1989. Approaching birth. London : Green Print.
International Confederation of Midwives. 1993. Position statement on partnership. London : International Confederation of Midwives.
Illich I. 1976. Medical nemesis : the expropriation of health. New York : Harper Tbrchbook.
Jaggar, A. M. 1983. Feminist politics and human nature. USA : Rowman & Allanheld.
Kats-Rothman, B. 1982. Giving birth : alternatives in childbirth. New York : Penguin Books.
Katz-Rothman, B. 1984. Childbirth management and medical monopoly : midwifery as (almost) a profession. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 29 (5), pp. 300-306.
Kaufman, K. 1991. The introduction of midwifery in Ontario, Canada. Birth, 18 (2), June, pp. 100-103.
Kay, M. A. 1982. Anthropology of human birth. Philadelphia : FA. Davis Company.
Kirkham, M. 1986. A feminist perspective in midwifery. In C. Webb (Ed.), Feminist practice in women's health care, pp. 35-49. Chichester : John Wiley and Sons.
Kitzinger, S. 1988. The midwife challenge. London : Pandora Press.
Kitzinger, S. 1989. Childbirth and society. In I. Chalmers, M. Enkin, & M. Keirse (Eds.), Effective care in pregnancy and childbirth, 1, pp. 99-109. New York : Oxford University Press.
Knox, L 1993. Midwifery in Canada : a new beginning or echoes from the past keynote address. Proceedings of the International Confederation of Midwives 23rd international congress, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 31-55.
Lather, P. 1991. Getting smart : feminist research and pedagogy with/in the postmodern. New York : Routledge.
Lovell, M. C. 1980. The politics of medical deception : challenging the trajectory of history. Advances in Nursing Science, 2 (3), April, pp. 73-86.
Mason, J. 1993. Becoming midwife-becoming other. PhD Sociology student, King's College, London. Unpublished work.
Mayes, C. 1987. Developing a model of midwifery care in Waltham Forest. Midwives Chronicle and Nursing Notes, November, v-ix.
Mein-Smith, P. 1986. Maternity in dispute : New Zealand 1920-1939. Wellington : Historical publications branch, Department of Internal Affairs.
Midwives Alliance of North America. 1991. MANA core competencies for basic midwifery practice. Bristol, VA : Midwives Alliance of North America.
Ministry of Women's Affairs. 1989. Women's health : what needs to change. Wellington : Ministry of Women's Affairs.
Ministry of Women's Affairs. 1994. Legislation specifically relevant to women. Personal correspondence with staff member.
Newman, M. A. 1986. Health as expanding consciousness. St Louis : The C. V. Mosby Company.
New Zealand College of Midwives. 1993a. Midwives handbook for practice. Dunedin : New Zealand College of Midwives.
New Zealand College of Midwives. 1993b. Remit to ICM on partnership. National newsletter, April/May, p. 9.
New Zealand Government. 1975. The Obstetric Regulations. Wellington : Government Printer.
New Zealand Government. 1977. Nurses Act. Wellington : Government Printer.
New Zealand Government. 1983. Nurses Amendment Act. Wellington : Government Printer.
New Zealand Government. 1986. The Obstetric Regulations. Wellington : Government Printer.
New Zealand Government. 1990. Nurses Amendment Act. Wellington : Government Printer.
New Zealand House of Representatives. 1990. Report of the social services committee on the Nurses Amendment Bill. Weliington : House of Representatives.
NZNA : See New Zealand Nurses Association
New Zealand Nurses Association. 1981. Policy statement on maternal and infant nursing. Wellington : New Zealand Nurses Association.
New Zealand Nurses' Association Inc. 1989. Midwifery policy statement. Wellington : New Zealand Nurses Association.
Nursing Council of New Zealand. 1985. Annual report. Wellington : Nursing Council of New Zealand.
Nursing Council of New Zealand. 1992. Standards for registration of midwives from polytechnic courses. Wellington : Nursing Council of New Zealand.
Oakley, A. 1977. Cross cultural practices. In T. Chard, & M. Richards (Eds.), Benefits and hazards of the new obstetrics. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott.
Oakley, A., & Houd, S. 1990. Helpers in childbirth : midwifery today. USA : Hemisphere Publishing Company.
Page, L 1988. The midwife's role in modern health care. In S. Kitzinger (Ed.), The midwife challenge, pp. 251-260. London : Pandora Press.
Page, L. 1993. Midwives hear the heartbeat of the future. Keynote address. Proceedings of the International Confederation of Midwives 23rd international congress, held in Vancouver, Canada, May 1993.
Parse, R. 1987. Nursing science : major paradigms, theories and critiques. New York : W. B. Saunders Co.
Parse, R. 1992. Human becoming : Parse's theory of nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 5 (1), Spring, pp. 35-42.
Pelvin, B. 1990. Midwifery : the feminist profession. Proceedings of New Zealand College of Midwives National Conference, held in Dunedin, August 1990.
Pelvin, B. 1992. Current ethical considerations. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (7), pp. 6-9.
Pot, M. 1994. The New Zealand College of Midwives' Midwifery Standards Review Process. Proceedings of New Zealand College of Midwives Third National Conference, held in Rotorua, August 1994.
Project Waitangi. 1989. The Treaty of Waitangi : a resource kit for Pakeha. Project Waitangi.
Ramsden, I. 1990. Kawa Whakaruruhau : cultural safety in nursing education in Aotearoa. Wellington : Ministry of Education.
Ramsden, I. 1994. Accepting others for what they are. New Zealand Quality Health, (11), April.
Robinson, S. 1989. The role of the midwife : opportunities and restraints. In I. Chalmers, M. Enkin, & M. Keirs (Eds.), Effective care in pregnancy and childbirth, pp. 162-180. New York : Oxford University Press.
Robinson, S., & Thompson, A. (Eds.). 1991. Midwives, research and childbirth, Vols 1-4. London : Chapman & Hall.
Shearer, M. 1989. Maternity patient's movements in the United States 1820-1985. In I. Chalmers, M. Enkin, &M. Keirse (Eds.), Effective care in pregnancy and childbirth, pp. 110-130. New York : Oxford University Press.
Street, A. 1991. From image to action : reflection in nursing practice. Geelong : Deakin University.
Strid, J. 1987. Midwifery in revolt. Broadsheet, 153, pp. 14-17.
Thompson, A. 1991. Providing care at antenatal clinics. In S. Robinson, & A. Thompson (Eds.), Midwives, research and childbirth. Vol 2, pp. 140-175. London : Chapman & Hall.
Transitional Council of the College of Midwives. 1993. Policy statement. Toronto : Transitional Council of the College of Midwives.
Tully, E. 1993a. Innovative organisation. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (8), pp. 10-12.
Tully, E. 1993b. Midwives' professional project : discussion document : theoretical issues. Unpublished work.
Tully, E. 1993c. Doing professionalism : a critical examination of midwives' professional autonomy. PhD proposal, Department of Sociology, Canterbury University.
Tully, E. 1994. Doing professionalism differently : a sociological analysis of midwifery autonomy. Proceedings of New Zealand College of Midwives Third National Conference, held in Rotorua, August 1994.
Wagner, M. 1990. Appropriate technology for birth. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (3), pp. 10-14.
Webb, C. 1986. Feminist practice in women's health care. Chichester : John Wiley & Sons.
Weedon, C. 1987. Feminist practice & poststructuralist theory. Oxford : Basil Blackwell.
Witz, A. 1992. Professions and patriarchy. London : Routledge.
World Health Organization. 1985. Appropriate technology for birth. Geneva : World Health Organization.
Yarling, R. R., & McElmurray, B. J. 1986. The moral foundation of nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 8 (2), pp. 63-73.
Young, D. 1982. Changing childbirth. Family birth in the hospital. New York : Childbirth Graphics.

第2章 パートナーシップとしての助産モデル

P.32 掲載の参考文献
Abbott, A. 1988. The system of professions : an essay on the expert division of labour. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press.
Auckland Maternity Services Consumer CounciL 1993. Quality indicators for Auckland maternity services. Auckland : Auckland Maternity Services Consumer Council.
Arms, S. 1975. Immaculate deception. New York : Bantum Books.
Association of Radical Midwives. 1986. The vision : proposals for the future of the maternity services. London : Association of Radical Midwives.
Balaskas, J. 1983. Active birth. London : Unwin Paperbacks.
Barrington, E. 1985. Midwifery is catching. Toronto : NC Press Ltd.
Belenky, M. E, Clinchy, B. Mc., Goldberger, N. R., &Tarule, J. M. 1986. Women's ways of knowing : the development of self, voice and mind. USA : Basic Books.
Bickley, J. 1989. Attempting to involve consumers in midwifery policy development. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (1), pp. 11-13.
Broom, D. H. 1984. The medicalisation of childbirth : a new role for the midwife. Healthright, 4 (1), November, pp. 10-14.
Bryar, R. 1988. Midwifery and models of care. Midwifery, 4, pp. 111-117.
Cambell, J. C., & Bunting, S. 1991. Voices and paradigms : perspectives on critical and feminist theory in nursing. Advanced Nursing Science, 13 (3), pp. 1-15.
Canterbury Area Health Board. 1991. Mothers surveys. Christchurch : Canterbury Area Health Board.
Cartwright, S. 1988. The report of the cervical cancer inquiry. Auckland : Government Printing Office.
Christiansen, J. 1990. Nursing partnership : a model for nursing practice. Wellington : Daphne Brasell Associates Press.
Colliere, M. F. 1986. Invisible care and invisible women as health care providers. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 23 (2), pp. 95-112.
Coney, S. 1993. Standing in the sunshine.
Coopers & Lybrand. 1993. First steps towards an integrated maternity services framework : a report for the New Zealand Regional Health Authorities. Wellington : Coopers & Lybrand.
Coyle, A. 1992. Six years of independent midwifery in London. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (7), pp. 19-23.
Davis, E. 1981. A guide to midwifery : heart and hands. Santa Fe N. M. : John Muir Publications.
Department of Health, NZ. 1989. Discussion paper on care for pregnancy and childbirth. Wellington : Department of Health.
Department of Health, NZ. 1991. Principles and guidelines for informed choice and consent. Wellington : Department of Health.
Department of Health, UK. 1993. Changing childbirth. Part one : report of the expert maternity group. London : HMSO Publications.
Dobbie, M. 1990. The trouble with women. The story of Parellts Centre New Zealand. Whatamongo Bay : Cape Catley Ltd.
Doering, L. 1992. Power and knowledge in nursing : a feminist poststructuralist view. Advanced Nursing Science, 14 (4), pp. 24-33.
Donley, J. 1986. Save the midwife. Auckland : New Women's Press.
Donley, J. 1989. The importance of consumer control over childbirth. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (1), pp. 6-7.
Donley, J. 1992. History of NZ Homebirth Association. Auckland : Auckland Homebirth Association.
Donnison, J. 1988. Midwives and medical men : a history of the struggle for the control of childbirth (2nd ed.). Herts : Historical Publications.
Durwood, L, & Evans, R. 1990. Pressure groups and maternity care. In J. Garcia, R. Kilpatrick, & M. Richards (Eds.), The politics of maternity care, pp. 256-274. New York : Oxford University Press.
Ehrenreich, B., & English, D. 1979. For her own good : 150 years of the expert's advice to women. London : Pluto Press.
Eisenstein, H. 1984. Contemporary feminist thought. London : Unwin Paperbacks.
Enkin, M., Keirse, M., & Chalmers, I. 1989. A guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Fersterer, T. 1993. Empowerment in childbirth : women's home and hospital birth experiences. (Thesis for Masters Social Sciences, Psychology). Hamilton : University of Waikato.
Finklestein, J. 1988. Women, pregnancy&childbirth. In J. Scutt (Ed.), The baby machine : commercialisation of motherhood, pp. 12-32. Canton : McCulloch Publishing Pty Ltd.
Flanagan, J. 1993. Speaking up and talking out : barriers and obstacles to nurse midwifery practice. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 38 (4), pp. 246-251.
Flint, C. 1986. Sensitive Midwifery. London : Heinemann Midwifery.
Flint, C. 1993. Midwifery teams and caseloads. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd.
Foucault, M 1980. Power/knowledge, selected interviews and other writings 1972-1977. Brighton : The Harvester Press.
Fougere, G. 1990. Health. In P Spoonley, D. Pearson, & I. Shirley (Eds.), New Zealand society : a sociological introduction. Palmerston North : Dunmore Press.
Gaskin, I. M. 1980. Spiritual midwifery. Summertown : The Book Publishing Company.
Guilliland, K. 1989. Maintaining the links. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (1), p. 14.
Houd, S. 1993. 23 The spirit of midwifery. Keynote Address. Proceedings of the International Confederation of Midwives, 23rd international congress, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 75-86.
Inch, S. 1989. Approaching birth. London : Green Print.
International Confederation of Midwives. 1993. Position statement on partnership. London : International Confederation of Midwives.
Illich I. 1976. Medical nemesis : the expropriation of health. New York : Harper Tbrchbook.
Jaggar, A. M. 1983. Feminist politics and human nature. USA : Rowman & Allanheld.
Kats-Rothman, B. 1982. Giving birth : alternatives in childbirth. New York : Penguin Books.
Katz-Rothman, B. 1984. Childbirth management and medical monopoly : midwifery as (almost) a profession. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 29 (5), pp. 300-306.
Kaufman, K. 1991. The introduction of midwifery in Ontario, Canada. Birth, 18 (2), June, pp. 100-103.
Kay, M. A. 1982. Anthropology of human birth. Philadelphia : FA. Davis Company.
Kirkham, M. 1986. A feminist perspective in midwifery. In C. Webb (Ed.), Feminist practice in women's health care, pp. 35-49. Chichester : John Wiley and Sons.
Kitzinger, S. 1988. The midwife challenge. London : Pandora Press.
Kitzinger, S. 1989. Childbirth and society. In I. Chalmers, M. Enkin, & M. Keirse (Eds.), Effective care in pregnancy and childbirth, 1, pp. 99-109. New York : Oxford University Press.
Knox, L 1993. Midwifery in Canada : a new beginning or echoes from the past keynote address. Proceedings of the International Confederation of Midwives 23rd international congress, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 31-55.
Lather, P. 1991. Getting smart : feminist research and pedagogy with/in the postmodern. New York : Routledge.
Lovell, M. C. 1980. The politics of medical deception : challenging the trajectory of history. Advances in Nursing Science, 2 (3), April, pp. 73-86.
Mason, J. 1993. Becoming midwife-becoming other. PhD Sociology student, King's College, London. Unpublished work.
Mayes, C. 1987. Developing a model of midwifery care in Waltham Forest. Midwives Chronicle and Nursing Notes, November, v-ix.
Mein-Smith, P. 1986. Maternity in dispute : New Zealand 1920-1939. Wellington : Historical publications branch, Department of Internal Affairs.
Midwives Alliance of North America. 1991. MANA core competencies for basic midwifery practice. Bristol, VA : Midwives Alliance of North America.
Ministry of Women's Affairs. 1989. Women's health : what needs to change. Wellington : Ministry of Women's Affairs.
Ministry of Women's Affairs. 1994. Legislation specifically relevant to women. Personal correspondence with staff member.
Newman, M. A. 1986. Health as expanding consciousness. St Louis : The C. V. Mosby Company.
New Zealand College of Midwives. 1993a. Midwives handbook for practice. Dunedin : New Zealand College of Midwives.
New Zealand College of Midwives. 1993b. Remit to ICM on partnership. National newsletter, April/May, p. 9.
New Zealand Government. 1975. The Obstetric Regulations. Wellington : Government Printer.
New Zealand Government. 1977. Nurses Act. Wellington : Government Printer.
New Zealand Government. 1983. Nurses Amendment Act. Wellington : Government Printer.
New Zealand Government. 1986. The Obstetric Regulations. Wellington : Government Printer.
New Zealand Government. 1990. Nurses Amendment Act. Wellington : Government Printer.
New Zealand House of Representatives. 1990. Report of the social services committee on the Nurses Amendment Bill. Weliington : House of Representatives.
NZNA : See New Zealand Nurses Association
New Zealand Nurses Association. 1981. Policy statement on maternal and infant nursing. Wellington : New Zealand Nurses Association.
New Zealand Nurses' Association Inc. 1989. Midwifery policy statement. Wellington : New Zealand Nurses Association.
Nursing Council of New Zealand. 1985. Annual report. Wellington : Nursing Council of New Zealand.
Nursing Council of New Zealand. 1992. Standards for registration of midwives from polytechnic courses. Wellington : Nursing Council of New Zealand.
Oakley, A. 1977. Cross cultural practices. In T. Chard, & M. Richards (Eds.), Benefits and hazards of the new obstetrics. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott.
Oakley, A., & Houd, S. 1990. Helpers in childbirth : midwifery today. USA : Hemisphere Publishing Company.
Page, L 1988. The midwife's role in modern health care. In S. Kitzinger (Ed.), The midwife challenge, pp. 251-260. London : Pandora Press.
Page, L. 1993. Midwives hear the heartbeat of the future. Keynote address. Proceedings of the International Confederation of Midwives 23rd international congress, held in Vancouver, Canada, May 1993.
Parse, R. 1987. Nursing science : major paradigms, theories and critiques. New York : W. B. Saunders Co.
Parse, R. 1992. Human becoming : Parse's theory of nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 5 (1), Spring, pp. 35-42.
Pelvin, B. 1990. Midwifery : the feminist profession. Proceedings of New Zealand College of Midwives National Conference, held in Dunedin, August 1990.
Pelvin, B. 1992. Current ethical considerations. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (7), pp. 6-9.
Pot, M. 1994. The New Zealand College of Midwives' Midwifery Standards Review Process. Proceedings of New Zealand College of Midwives Third National Conference, held in Rotorua, August 1994.
Project Waitangi. 1989. The Treaty of Waitangi : a resource kit for Pakeha. Project Waitangi.
Ramsden, I. 1990. Kawa Whakaruruhau : cultural safety in nursing education in Aotearoa. Wellington : Ministry of Education.
Ramsden, I. 1994. Accepting others for what they are. New Zealand Quality Health, (11), April.
Robinson, S. 1989. The role of the midwife : opportunities and restraints. In I. Chalmers, M. Enkin, & M. Keirs (Eds.), Effective care in pregnancy and childbirth, pp. 162-180. New York : Oxford University Press.
Robinson, S., & Thompson, A. (Eds.). 1991. Midwives, research and childbirth, Vols 1-4. London : Chapman & Hall.
Shearer, M. 1989. Maternity patient's movements in the United States 1820-1985. In I. Chalmers, M. Enkin, &M. Keirse (Eds.), Effective care in pregnancy and childbirth, pp. 110-130. New York : Oxford University Press.
Street, A. 1991. From image to action : reflection in nursing practice. Geelong : Deakin University.
Strid, J. 1987. Midwifery in revolt. Broadsheet, 153, pp. 14-17.
Thompson, A. 1991. Providing care at antenatal clinics. In S. Robinson, & A. Thompson (Eds.), Midwives, research and childbirth. Vol 2, pp. 140-175. London : Chapman & Hall.
Transitional Council of the College of Midwives. 1993. Policy statement. Toronto : Transitional Council of the College of Midwives.
Tully, E. 1993a. Innovative organisation. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (8), pp. 10-12.
Tully, E. 1993b. Midwives' professional project : discussion document : theoretical issues. Unpublished work.
Tully, E. 1993c. Doing professionalism : a critical examination of midwives' professional autonomy. PhD proposal, Department of Sociology, Canterbury University.
Tully, E. 1994. Doing professionalism differently : a sociological analysis of midwifery autonomy. Proceedings of New Zealand College of Midwives Third National Conference, held in Rotorua, August 1994.
Wagner, M. 1990. Appropriate technology for birth. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, (3), pp. 10-14.
Webb, C. 1986. Feminist practice in women's health care. Chichester : John Wiley & Sons.
Weedon, C. 1987. Feminist practice & poststructuralist theory. Oxford : Basil Blackwell.
Witz, A. 1992. Professions and patriarchy. London : Routledge.
World Health Organization. 1985. Appropriate technology for birth. Geneva : World Health Organization.
Yarling, R. R., & McElmurray, B. J. 1986. The moral foundation of nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 8 (2), pp. 63-73.
Young, D. 1982. Changing childbirth. Family birth in the hospital. New York : Childbirth Graphics.

第3章 助産パートナーシップ・モデル - 15年を経て…

P.51 掲載の参考文献
Gauld, R. 2001. Revolving doors : New Zealand's health reforms. Wellington : Victoria University of Wellington.
Guilliland, K., & Pairman, S. 1995. The midwifery partnership : a model for practice. Monograph Series 95/1, Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Victoria University of Wellington.
Guilliland, K. 2004. A hundred years of midwifery and what have we learnt about ourselves? Midwifery News, October, pp. 4-6, pp. 28-29.
Guilliland, K., & Pairman, S. 2010. Women's business : the story of The New Zealand College of Midwives 1986-2010, Christchurch : New Zealand College of Midwives.
Guilliland, K. 2006. The NZ midwifery workforce : an active partnership between core and LMC midwives. Midwifery News, 43, December, pp. 13-16.
Guilliland, K., & Dixon, L. 2010. Chapter 13 in K. Guilliland, & S. Pairman (Eds.), Women's business : the story of the New Zealand College of Midwives 1986-2010. Christchurch : New Zealand College of Midwives.
Guilliland, K., Tracy, S., & Thorogood, C. 2010. In S. Pairman, S. Tracey, C. Thorogood, & J. Pincombe (Eds.), Midwifery : preparation for practice (2nd ed.). Sydney : Elsevier Australia.
Harding, D. 2000. Making choices in childbirth. In L Page (Ed.), The new midwifery : science and sensitivity in practice, pp. 71-85. London : Harcourt Publishers.
Hatem, M., Sandall, J., Devane, D., Soltani, H., & Gates, S. 2008. Midwife-led versus other models of care for childbearing women. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, issue 4, Art. no : CD004667 doi : 01.1002/14651858. CD004667 pub2.
Health and Disability Commissioner. 1996. The HDC Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer's Rights Regulation. Accessed www.hdc.org.nz/Theact-thecodedetai
Health Services Consumer Research. 2008. Maternity services consumer satisfaction survey report 2007. January 2008. Wellington : Ministry of Health
Kennedy, H. P. 1995. The essence of nurse-midwifery care : the woman's story. Journal of Nurse-Midwifery, 40 (5), September/October, pp. 410-417.
Kennedy, H. P. 2002. The midwife as an 'instrument' of care. American Journal of Public Health, 92 (11), pp. 1759-1760.
Kennedy, H. P. 2004. The landscape of caring for women : a narrative study of midwifery practice. Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health, 49 (1), pp. 14-23.
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