急性胆管炎・胆嚢炎診療ガイドライン 2018 第3版

出版社: 医学図書出版
発行日: 2018-09-10
分野: 臨床医学:内科  >  消化器一般
ISBN: 9784865172850
電子書籍版: 2018-09-10 (第3版第2刷)

4,950 円(税込)


2,970 円(税込)




  • 第I章 クリニカルクエスチョン一覧

    第II章 本ガイドライン改訂の必要性と作成方法

    第III章 重要な基本的知識(Background knowledge)

    第IV章 急性胆道炎の初期診療と急性胆管炎のフローチャート

    第V章 急性胆管炎の診断基準と重症度判定基準

    第VI章 急性胆嚢炎の診断基準と重症度判定基準

    第VII章 急性胆管炎・胆嚢炎の抗菌薬治療
     4.グラム陰性桿菌のESBL(extended─spectrum beta─lactamase)

    第VIII章 急性胆管炎に対する胆管ドレナージの適応と手技

    第IX章 急性胆嚢炎に対する胆嚢ドレナージの適応と手技

    第X章 急性胆嚢炎診療フローチャート

    第XI章 急性胆嚢炎に対する外科治療
        ─腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術の安全な手順safe steps─
     3.Fundus first technique

    第XII章 急性胆管炎・胆嚢炎診療バンドル

    第XIII章 急性胆管炎・胆嚢炎バンドルチェックリスト




第II章 本ガイドライン改訂の必要性と作成方法

P.15 掲載の参考文献
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第III章 重要な基本的知識 ( Background knowledge ) - 治療の基本的概念, 定義, 基準, 病態, 疫学, 言葉の定義, 歴史等 -

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第IV章 急性胆道炎の初期診療と急性胆管炎のフローチャート

P.55 掲載の参考文献
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3) Okamoto K, Suzuki K, Takada T, Strasberg SM, Asbun HJ, Endo I, et al. Tokyo Guidellines 2018 : flowchart for the management of acute cholecystitis. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2018 ; 25 : 55-72. (CPG)
4) Kiriyama S, Takada T, Strasberg SM, Solomkin JS, Mayumi T, Pitt HA, et al. New diagnostic criteria and severity assessment of acute cholangitis in revised Tokyo Guidelines. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2012 ; 19 : 548-556. (CS)
5) Kiriyama S, Takada T, Strasberg SM, Solomkin JS, Mayumi T, Pitt HA, et al. TG13 guidelines for diagnosis and severity grading of acute cholangitis (with videos). J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2013 ; 20 : 24-34. (CPG)
6) Kiriyama S, Kozaka K, Takada T, Strasberg SM, Pitt HA, Gabata T, et al. Tokyo Guidelines 2018 : diagnostic criteria and severity grading of acute cholangitis (with videos). J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2018 ; 25 : 17-30. (CPG)
7) Yokoe M, Takada T, Strasberg SM, Solomkin JS, Mayumi T, Gomi H, et al. New diagnostic criteria and severity assessment of acute cholecystitis in revised Tokyo Guidelines. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2012 ; 19 : 578-585. (CS)
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第V章 急性胆管炎の診断基準と重症度判定基準

P.80 掲載の参考文献
1) Kiriyama S, Kozaka K, Takada T, Strasberg SM, Pitt HA, Gabata T, et al. Tokyo Guidelines 2018 : diagnostic criteria and severity grading of acute cholangitis (with videos). J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2018 ; 25 : 17-30. (CPG)
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第VI章 急性胆嚢炎の診断基準と重症度判定基準

P.119 掲載の参考文献
1) Yokoe M, Takada T, Strasberg SM, Solomkin JS, Mayumi T, Gomi H, et al. New diagnostic criteria and severity assessment of acute cholecystitis in revised Tokyo Guidelines. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2012 ; 19 : 578-585. (OS)
2) Yokoe M, Takada T, Strasberg SM, Solomkin JS, Mayumi T, Gomi H, et al. TG13 diagnostic criteria and severity grading of acute cholecystitis (with videos). J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2013 ; 20 : 35-46. (CPG)
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第VII章 急性胆管炎・胆嚢炎の抗菌薬治療

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第VIII章 急性胆管炎に対する胆管ドレナージの適応と手技

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第IX章 急性胆嚢炎に対する胆嚢ドレナージの適応と手技

P.175 掲載の参考文献
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52) Jang JW, Lee SS, Park DH, Seo DW, Lee SK, Kim MH. Feasibility and safety of EUS-guided transgastric/transduodenal gallbladder drainage with single-step placement of a modified covered self-expandable metal stent in patients unsuitable for cholecystectomy. Gastrointest Endosc 2011 ; 74 : 176-181. (CS)
53) Mukai S, Tsuchiya T, Itoi T, Tsuji S, Tanaka R, Tonozuka R, et al. Prospective evaluation of a new biflanged metal stent for the treatment of pancreatic fluid collections (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc 2017 ; 86 : 203-207. (CS)
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57) Mori Y, Itoi T, Baron TH, Takada T, Strasberg SM, Pitt HA, et al. Tokyo Guidelines 2018 : management strategies for gallbladder drainage in patients with acute cholecystitis (with videos). J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2018 ; 25 : 87-95. (CPG)

第X章 急性胆嚢炎診療フローチャート

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22) Blohm M, Osterberg J, Sandblom G, Lundell L, Hedberg M, Enochsson L. The Sooner, the Better? The Importance of Optimal Timing of Cholecystectomy in Acute Cholecystitis : Data from the National Swedish Registry for Gallstone Surgery, GallRiks. J Gastrointest Surg 2017 ; 21 : 33-40. (OS)
23) Bouassida M, Charrada H, Feidi B, Chtourou MF, Sassi S, Mighri MM, et al. Could the Tokyo guidelines on the management of acute cholecystitis be adopted in developing countries? Experience of one center. Surg Today 2016 ; 46 : 557-560. (OS)
24) Pisano M, Ceresoli M, Allegri A, Belotti E, Coccolini F, Colombi R, et al. Single center retrospective analysis of early vs. delayed treatment in acute calculous cholecystitis : application of a clinical pathway and an economic analysis. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2015 ; 21 : 373-379. (OS)
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54) Loozen CS, van Ramshorst B, van Santvoort HC, Boerma D. Early Cholecystectomy for Acute Cholecystitis in the Elderly Population : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Dig Surg 2017 ; 34 : 371-379. (SR, MA)
55) Han IW, Jang JY, Kang MJ, Lee KB, Lee SE, Kim SW. Early versus delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy after percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2012 ; 19 : 187-193. (OS)
56) Choi JW, Park SH, Choi SY, Kim HS, Kim TH. Comparison of clinical result between early laparoscopic cholecystectomy and delayed laparoscopic cholecystectomy after percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage for patients with complicated acute cholecystitis. Korean J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 2012 ; 16 : 147-153. (OS)
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第XI章 急性胆嚢炎に対する外科治療 - 腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術の安全な手順safe steps -

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第XII章 急性胆管炎・胆嚢炎診療バンドル

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