からだのトリビア教えます Part 2

出版社: 羊土社
発行日: 2021-03-01
分野: 医学一般  >  医学一般
ISBN: 9784758118996
電子書籍版: 2021-03-01 (第1刷)

1,100 円(税込)


1,100 円(税込)




  • 1 ステーキハウス症候群
    2 ポケモンGOはどうなったか?
    3 10円ハゲができた!!
    4 自動醸造症候群
    5 春先に増える自殺について考える
    6 天気が良いと調子が悪い
    7 カリフォルニアから来た娘
    8 O型の人は蚊に刺されやすいのか?
    9 シルクロード病とは?
    10 ぎんなんを食べ過ぎると?
    11 加熱式タバコって,毒性が少ないの?
    12 お餅は危ないのか?
    13 みかん・野菜ジュースで黄色くなる?
    14 医師の学会参加と患者さんの予後
    15 ビートルズがCTをつくった?
    16 カブトガニの貢献
    17 救急医の第六感
    18 白い粉のお話
    19 芸能人に限らず,歯は命
    20 もう1つのライム病
    21 満月の夜は犬に噛まれやすいのか?
    22 女性への心肺蘇生はセクハラになるの?
    23 O型の人は出血死しやすい?
    24 エベレストで血ガスとってみました
    25 低血糖の思いがけない原因
    26 禁断の果実 リンゴ1日1個で医者いらず?
    27 鼻をかんだら目が飛び出た
    28 高層マンションに住むということ
    29 新型コロナウイルス感染症で嗅覚・味覚障害はなぜ起こる?
    30 テレビゲームで鏡視下手術が上達するのか?
    31 アルコール中毒患者に輸液はすべきか?
    32 輪ゴムと消しゴムとCTの話
    33 逮捕関連死 〜もう1つのARDs
    34 呪いに効果はあるのか?
    35 サウナは健康によいのか?
    36 口の中が燃えるように痛い




1 ステーキハウス症候群

P.7 掲載の参考文献
1) Enomoto S, et al : Steakhouse syndrome causing large esophageal ulcer and stenosis. World J Gastrointest Endosc, 3 : 101-104, 2011
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3) Bosner S, et al : Chest pain in primary care : Is the localization of pain diagnostically helpful in the critical evaluation of patients? --a cross sectional study. BMC Fam Pract, 14 : 154, 2013

2 ポケモン GO はどうなったか ?

P.9 掲載の参考文献
1) Ono S, et al : Effect of Pokemon GO on incidence of fatal traffic injuries : a populationbased quasi-experimental study using the national traffic collisions database in Japan. Inj Prev, 24 : 448-450, 2018
2) Howe KB, et al : Gotta catch'em all! Pokemon GO and physical activity among young adults : difference in differences study. BMJ, 355 : i6270, 2016
3) Wong FY : Influence of Pokemon Go on physical activity levels of university players : a cross-sectional study. Int J Health Geogr, 16 : 8, 2017
4) Oidtman RJ, et al : Pokemon Go and exposure to mosquito-borne diseases : How not to catch 'em all. PLoS Curr, 15 : 8, 2016
5) Nosaka N, et al : Ditch-related falls : Need for preventive educational campaigns. Acute Med Surg, 3 : 212-213, 2016

3 10 円ハゲができた ! !

P.11 掲載の参考文献
1) Ruiz-Doblado S, et al : Alopecia areata : psychiatric comorbidity and adjustment to illness. Int J Dermatol, 42 : 434-437, 2003
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4) Iorizzo M & Oranje AP : Current and future treatments of alopecia areata and trichotillomania in children. Expert Opin Pharmacother, 17 : 1767-1773, 2016

4 自動醸造症候群

P.13 掲載の参考文献
1) Iwata K : A Review of the Literature on Drunken Syndromes Due to Yeasts in the Gastrointestinal Tract. University of Tokyo Press, 260-268, 1972
2) Cordell B & McCarthy J : A Case Study of Gut Fermentation Syndrome (Auto-Brewery) with Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the Causative Organism. International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 4 : 309-312, 2013
3) Logan BK & Jones AW : Endogenous ethanol production in a child with short gut syndrome. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 36 : 419-420, 2003

5 春先に増える自殺について考える

P.15 掲載の参考文献
1) Silveira ML, et al : Seasonality of suicide behavior in Northwest Alaska : 1990-2009. Public Health, 137 : 35-43, 2016
2) Bando DH, et al : Seasonal variation of suicide in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1996-2010. Crisis, 35 : 5-9, 2014
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4) Umhau JC, et al : Low Vitamin D Status and Suicide : A Case-Control Study of Active Duty Military Service Members. Plos One, 201 : e51543, 2013
5) Amritwar AU, et al : Mental Health in Allergic Rhinitis : Depression and Suicidal Behavior. Curr Treat Options Allergy, 4 : 71-97, 2017

6 天気が良いと調子が悪い

P.17 掲載の参考文献
1) Gurkov R, et al : Atmospheric Pressure and Onset of Episodes of Meniere's Disease-A Repeated Measures Study. PLoS One, 11 : e0152714, 2016
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3) Yoshida K, et al : Dynamics of cerebral blood flow and metabolism in patients with cranioplasty as evaluated by 133Xe CT and 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 61 : 166-171, 1996

7 カリフォルニアから来た娘

P.19 掲載の参考文献
1) Unger KM : The Daughter from California syndrome. J Palliat Med, 13 : 1405, 2010
2) Molloy DW, et al : Decision making in the incompetent elderly : "The Daughter from California syndrome". J Am Geriatr Soc, 39 : 396-399, 1991

8 O 型の人は蚊に刺されやすいのか ?

P.21 掲載の参考文献
1) Wood CS, et al : Selective feeding of Anopheles gambiae according to ABO blood group status. Nature, 239 : 165, 1972
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5) Kuesap J & Na-Bangchang K : The Effect of ABO Blood Groups, Hemoglobinopathy, and Heme Oxygenase-1 Polymorphisms on Malaria Susceptibility and Severity. Korean J Parasitol, 56 : 167-173, 2018

9 シルクロード病とは ?

P.23 掲載の参考文献
1) Verity DH, et al : Behcet's disease, the Silk Road and HLA-B51 : historical and geographical perspectives. Tissue Antigens, 54 : 213-220, 1999
2) Hirohata T, et al : Prevalence of Behcet's syndrome in Hawaii. With particular reference to the comparison of the Japanese in Hawaii and Japan. Hawaii Med J, 34 : 244-246, 1975
3) Kimura T, et al : Development of Behcet's disease in a Caucasian with human leukocyte antigen B51 after immigration to Japan. J Dermatol, 38 : 581-584, 2011

10 ぎんなんを食べ過ぎると ?

P.25 掲載の参考文献
1) Wada K, et al : An antivitamin B6, 4'-methoxypyridoxine, from the seed of Ginkgo biloba L. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo), 33 : 3555-3557, 1985
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3) Miwa H, et al : Generalized convulsions after consuming a large amount of gingko nuts. Epilepsia, 42 : 280-281, 2001

11 加熱式タバコって, 毒性が少ないの ?

P.27 掲載の参考文献
1) Tabuchi T, et al : Heat-not-burn tobacco product use in Japan : its prevalence, predictors and perceived symptoms from exposure to secondhand heat-not-burn tobacco aerosol. Tob Control, 27 : e25-e33, 2018
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3) 厚生労働省 : 加熱式たばこにおける科学的知見 https://www.mhlw.go.jp/file/06-Seisakujouhou-10900000-Kenkoukyoku/0000201435.pdf

12 お餅は危ないのか ?

P.29 掲載の参考文献
1) Kiyohara K, et al : Epidemiology of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Due to Suffocation Focusing on Suffocation Due to Japanese Rice Cake : A Population-Based Observational Study From the Utstein Osaka Project. J Epidemiol, 28 : 67-74, 2018
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3) Miura T, et al : Rice cake ileus--a rare and ethnic but important disease status in east-southern Asia. Intern Med, 50 : 2737-2739, 2011

13 みかん・野菜ジュースで黄色くなる ?

P.31 掲載の参考文献
1) Congdon PJ, et al : Benign carotenaemia in children. Arch Dis Child, 56 : 292-294, 1981
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14 医師の学会参加と患者さんの予後

P.33 掲載の参考文献
1) Wallace SK, et al : Effect of time of day on prehospital care and outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Circulation, 127 : 1591-1596, 2013
2) Kitamura T, et al : Is Survival After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrests Worse During Days of National Academic Meetings in Japan? A Population-Based Study. J Epidemiol, 26 : 155-162, 2016
3) Jena AB, et al : Mortality and treatment patterns among patients hospitalized with acute cardiovascular conditions during dates of national cardiology meetings. JAMA Intern Med, 175 : 237-244, 2015

15 ビートルズが CT をつくった ?

P.35 掲載の参考文献
1) Alexander RE & Gunderman RB : EMI and the first CT scanner. J Am Coll Radiol, 7 : 778-781, 2010
2) Maizlin ZV & Vos PM : Do we really need to thank the Beatles for the financing of the development of the computed tomography scanner? J Comput Assist Tomogr, 36 : 161-164, 2012

16 カブトガニの貢献

P.37 掲載の参考文献
2) Morrell M, et al : Delaying the empiric treatment of candida bloodstream infection until positive blood culture results are obtained : a potential risk factor for hospital mortality. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 49 : 3640-3645, 2005

17 救急医の第六感

P.39 掲載の参考文献
2) Radtke A, et al : Is 'gut feeling' by medical staff better than validated scores in estimation of mortality in a medical intensive care unit? -The prospective FEELING-ON-ICU study. J Crit Care, 41 : 204-208, 2017
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18 白い粉のお話

P.41 掲載の参考文献
1) Yamada T, et al : Increase in the incidence of dermatitis after flood disaster in Kurashiki area possibly due to calcium hydroxide. Acute Med Surg, 6 : 208-209, 2019
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4) Sherman SC & Larkin K : Cement burns. J Emerg Med, 29 : 97-99, 2005

19 芸能人に限らず, 歯は命

P.43 掲載の参考文献
1) de Lacerda Vidal CF, et al : Impact of oral hygiene involving toothbrushing versus chlorhexidine in the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia : a randomized study. BMC Infect Dis, 17 : 112, 2017
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3) Engebretson S & Kocher T : Evidence that periodontal treatment improves diabetes outcomes : a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Periodontol, 40 Suppl 14 : S153-163, 2013

20 もう 1 つのライム病

P.45 掲載の参考文献
1) Steere AC, et al : The spirochetal etiology of Lyme disease. N Engl J Med, 308 : 733-740, 1983
2) Raam R, et al : Phytophotodermatitis : The Other "Lime" Disease. Ann Emerg Med, 67 : 554-556, 2016
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4) Flugman SL : Mexican beer dermatitis : a unique variant of lime phytophotodermatitis attributable to contemporary beer-drinking practices. Arch Dermatol, 146 : 1194-1195, 2010

21 満月の夜は犬に噛まれやすいのか ?

P.47 掲載の参考文献
1) Myers DE : Gravitational effects of the period of high tides and the new moon on lunacy. J Emerg Med, 13 : 529-532, 1995
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3) Chapman S & Morrell S : Barking mad? another lunatic hypothesis bites the dust. BMJ, 321 : 1561-1563, 2000

22 女性への心肺蘇生はセクハラになるの ?

P.49 掲載の参考文献
1) Blom MT, et al : Women have lower chances than men to be resuscitated and survive out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Eur Heart J, 40 : 3824-3834, 2019
2) Wissenberg M, et al : Survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in relation to sex : a nationwide registry-based study. Resuscitation, 85 : 1212-1218, 2014
3) Okubo M, et al : Sex Differences in Receiving Layperson Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Pediatric Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest : A Nationwide Cohort Study in Japan. J Am Heart Assoc, 8 : e010324, 2019
4) Matsui S, et al : Sex Disparities in Receipt of Bystander Interventions for Students Who Experienced Cardiac Arrest in Japan. JAMA Netw Open, 2 : e195111, 2019

23 O 型の人は出血死しやすい ?

P.51 掲載の参考文献
1) Anstee DJ : The relationship between blood groups and disease. Blood, 115 : 4635-4643, 2010
2) Dentali F, et al : Non-O blood type is the commonest genetic risk factor for VTE : results from a meta-analysis of the literature. Semin Thromb Hemost, 38 : 535-548, 2012
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5) Takayama W, et al : The impact of blood type O on mortality of severe trauma patients : a retrospective observational study. Crit Care, 22 : 100, 2018

24 エベレストで血ガスとってみました

P.53 掲載の参考文献
1) Grocott MP, et al : Arterial blood gases and oxygen content in climbers on Mount Everest. N Engl J Med, 360 : 140-149, 2009
2) Ernsting J, et al : Hypoxia and hyperventilation.「Aviation medicine 2nd ed」 (Ernsting J & King PF eds), 46-59, Butterworths, 1988

25 低血糖の思いがけない原因

P.55 掲載の参考文献
1) 伊藤進, 他 : ピボキシル基含有抗菌薬投与による二次性カルニチン欠乏症への注意喚起. 日本小児科学会雑誌, 116 : 804-806, 2012
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3) Kobayashi H, et al : Clinical Features of Carnitine Deficiency Secondary to Pivalate-Conjugated Antibiotic Therapy. J Pediatr, 173 : 183-187, 2016

26 禁断の果実リンゴ 1 日 1 個で医者いらず ?

P.57 掲載の参考文献
1) Phelps CE : An apple a day. A futuristic parable. N Engl J Med, 330 : 797-799, 1994
2) Davis MA, et al : Association between apple consumption and physician visits : appealing the conventional wisdom that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. JAMA Intern Med, 175 : 777-783, 2015

27 鼻をかんだら目が飛び出た

P.59 掲載の参考文献
1) Ariyoshi Y, et al : Orbital Emphysema as a Consequence of Forceful Nose-Blowing : Report of a Case. Case Rep Emerg Med, 2019 : 4383086, 2019
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3) Ozdemir O : Orbital Emphysema Occurring During Weight Lifting. Semin Ophthalmol, 30 : 426-428, 2015

28 高層マンションに住むということ

P.61 掲載の参考文献
1) Verhaeghe PP, et al : Is Living in a High-Rise Building Bad for Your Self-Rated Health? J Urban Health, 93 : 884-898, 2016
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4) Kobayashi D, et al : High-rise buildings and neurologically favorable outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Int J Cardiol, 224 : 178-182, 2016

29 新型コロナウイルス感染症で嗅覚・味覚障害はなぜ起こる ?

P.63 掲載の参考文献
1) Lechien JR, et al : Olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions as a clinical presentation of mild-to-moderate forms of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) : a multicenter European study. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 277 : 2251-2261, 2020
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3) Li YC, et al : The neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2 may play a role in the respiratory failure of COVID-19 patients. J Med Virol, 92 : 552-555, 2020

30 テレビゲームで鏡視下手術が上達するのか ?

P.65 掲載の参考文献
1) Giannotti D, et al : Play to become a surgeon : impact of Nintendo Wii training on laparoscopic skills. PLoS One, 8 : e57372, 2013
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31 アルコール中毒患者に輸液はすべきか ?

P.67 掲載の参考文献
1) Perez SR, et al : Intravenous 0.9% sodium chloride therapy does not reduce length of stay of alcohol-intoxicated patients in the emergency department : A randomised controlled trial. Emerg Med Australas, 25 : 527-534, 2013
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32 輪ゴムと消しゴムと CT の話

P.69 掲載の参考文献
1) Kumar P, et al : A constriction ring of the thigh secondary to a rubber band. Plast Reconstr Surg, 95 : 209-210, 1995
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5) Murakami Y, et al : A Polyvinyl Chloride Eraser as a Surface Marker for Computed Tomography in Emergency Imaging : a Letter to Editor. Arch Acad Emerg Med, 7 : e54, 2019

33 逮捕関連死~もう1つの ARDs

P.71 掲載の参考文献
1) Ross DL : Factors associated with excited delirium deaths in police custody. Mod Pathol, 11 : 1127-1137, 1998
2) Ho JD, et al : Unexpected arrest-related deaths in america : 12 months of open source surveillance. West J Emerg Med, 10 : 68-73, 2009
3) Mash DC : Excited Delirium and Sudden Death : A Syndromal Disorder at the Extreme End of the Neuropsychiatric Continuum. Front Physiol, 7 : 435, 2016

34 呪いに効果はあるのか ?

P.73 掲載の参考文献
1) CANNON WB : Voodoo death. Psychosom Med, 19 : 182-190, 1957
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4) Kim AS, et al : Sudden neurologic death masquerading as out-of-hospital sudden cardiac death. Neurology, 87 : 1669-1673, 2016

35 サウナは健康によいのか ?

P.75 掲載の参考文献

36 口の中が燃えるように痛い

P.77 掲載の参考文献
1) Brown RS, et al : "Scalded mouth syndrome" caused by angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors : two case reports. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 83 : 665-667, 1997
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