
出版社: 医薬出版
発行日: 2023-09-15
分野: 基礎医学  >  医動物(寄生虫)
ISBN: 9784991213021
電子書籍版: 2023-09-15 (初版第1刷)

5,280 円(税込)


4,224 円(税込)


  • 特別講演1.腸内細菌叢と発がん:メカニズムとそのきっかけ











P.6 掲載の参考文献
1) 神谷茂 : 腸内フローラと内科疾患, Jpn J Antibiotics, 70 : 1-13, 2017
2) Durack J & Lynch SV : The gut microbiome : Relationships with disease and opportunities for therapy. J Exp Med 216 : 20-40, 2019
3) がんの統計 2022, 公益財団法人がん研究振興財団
4) Tabish SA : Lifestyle diseases : consequences, characteristics, causes and control. J Card Curr Res 9 : 1-4, 2017
5) Ahlawat S et al. : Gut-organ axis : a microbial outreach and networking. Lett Appl Micribiol 72 : 636-668, 2021
6) Ivleva EA & Grivennikov SI : Microbiota-driven mechanisms at different stages of cancer development. Neoplasia 32 : 100829, 2022
7) Zella D & Gallo RC : Viruses and bacteria associated with cancer : an overview. Viruses 13 : 6, 2021
8) Grivennikov SI et al. : Immunity, inflammation and cancer. Cell 140 : 883-899, 2010
9) Cheng WY et al. : The role of gut microbiota in cancer treatment : friend or foe? Gut 69 : 1867-1876, 2020
10) Sepich-Poore GD et al. : The microbiome and human cancer. Science 371 : 6536, eabc 4552, 2021
11) Cao Y et al. : Role of gut microbe-derived metabolites in cardiometabolic diseases : Systems based approach. Mol Metab 64 : 101557, 2022
12) Wang Z et al. : Gut flora metabolism of phosphatidylcholine promotes cardiovascular disease. Nature 472 : 57-63, 2011
13) Tang WH et al. : Gut microflora in cardiovascular health and disease. Circulation Res 120 : 1183-1196, 2017

特別講演1. 腸内細菌叢と発がん : メカニズムとそのきっかけ

P.14 掲載の参考文献
1) Sartor RB, Wu GD. Roles for intestinal bacteria, viruses, and fungi in pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases and therapeutic approaches. Gastroenterology 2017 ; 152 : 327-339 e4.
2) Chrysostomou D, Roberts LA, Marchesi JR, Kinross JM. Gut microbiota modulation of efficacy and toxicity of cancer chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Gastroenterology 2023 ; 164 : 198-213.
3) Sepich-Poore GD, Zitvogel L, Straussman R, Hasty J, Wargo JA, Knight R. The microbiome and human cancer. Science 2021 ; 371.
4) Helmink BA, Khan MAW, Hermann A, Gopalakrishnan V, Wargo JA. The microbiome, cancer, and cancer therapy. Nat Med 2019 ; 25 : 377-388.
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6) Aron-Wisnewsky J, Warmbrunn MV, Nieuwdorp M, Clement K. Metabolism and metabolic disorders and the microbiome : the intestinal microbiota associated with obesity, lipid metabolism, and metabolic healthpathophysiology and therapeutic strategies. Gastroenterology 2021 ; 160 : 573-599.
7) Cullin N, Azevedo Antunes C, Straussman R, Stein-Thoeringer CK, Elinav E. Microbiome and cancer. Cancer Cell 2021 ; 39 : 1317-1341.
8) Song X, Greiner-Tollersrud OK, Zhou H. Oral microbiota variation : A risk factor for development and poor prognosis of esophageal cancer. Dig Dis Sci 2022 ; 67 : 3543-3556.
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10) Bhatt AP, Sartor RB. 'Bugs on drugs' : implications for gut health. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2021 ; 18 : 287-288.
11) Nayak RR, Alexander M, Deshpande I, Stapleton-Gray K, Rimal B, Patterson AD, Ubeda C, Scher JU, Turnbaugh PJ. Methotrexate impacts conserved pathways in diverse human gut bacteria leading to decreased host immune activation. Cell Host Microbe 2021 ; 29 : 362-377 e11.
12) Panebianco C, Andriulli A, Pazienza V. Pharmacomicrobiomics : exploiting the drug-microbiota interactions in anticancer therapies. Microbiome 2018 ; 6 : 92.
13) Bhatt AP, Redinbo MR, Bultman SJ. The role of the microbiome in cancer development and therapy. CA Cancer J Clin 2017 ; 67 : 326-344.
14) Bhatt AP, Pellock SJ, Biernat KA, Walton WG, Wallace BD, Creekmore BC, Letertre MM, Swann JR, Wilson ID, Roques JR, Darr DB, Bailey ST, Montgomery SA, Roach JM, Azcarate-Peril MA, Sartor RB, Gharaibeh RZ, Bultman SJ, Redinbo MR. Targeted inhibition of gut bacterial beta-glucuronidase activity enhances anticancer drug efficacy. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 ; 117 : 7374-7381.
15) Matson V, Chervin CS, Gajewski TF. Cancer and the microbiome-influence of the commensal microbiota on cancer, immune responses, and immunotherapy. Gastroenterology 2021 ; 160 : 600-613.
16) Vetizou M, Pitt JM, Daillere R, Lepage P, Waldschmitt N, Flament C, Rusakiewicz S, Routy B, Roberti MP, Duong CP, Poirier-Colame V, Roux A, Becharef S, Formenti S, Golden E, Cording S, Eberl G, Schlitzer A, Ginhoux F, Mani S, Yamazaki T, Jacquelot N, Enot DP, Berard M, Nigou J, Opolon P, Eggermont A, Woerther PL, Chachaty E, Chaput N, Robert C, Mateus C, Kroemer G, Raoult D, Boneca IG, Carbonnel F, Chamaillard M, Zitvogel L. Anticancer immunotherapy by CTLA-4 blockade relies on the gut microbiota. Science 2015 ; 350 : 1079-84.
17) Routy B, Le Chatelier E, Derosa L, Duong CPM, Alou MT, Daillere R, Fluckiger A, Messaoudene M, Rauber C, Roberti MP, Fidelle M, Flament C, Poirier-Colame V, Opolon P, Klein C, Iribarren K, Mondragon L, Jacquelot N, Qu B, Ferrere G, Clemenson C, Mezquita L, Masip JR, Naltet C, Brosseau S, Kaderbhai C, Richard C, Rizvi H, Levenez F, Galleron N, Quinquis B, Pons N, Ryffel B, Minard-Colin V, Gonin P, Soria JC, Deutsch E, Loriot Y, Ghiringhelli F, Zalcman G, Goldwasser F, Escudier B, Hellmann MD, Eggermont A, Raoult D, Albiges L, Kroemer G, Zitvogel L. Gut microbiome influences efficacy of PD-1-based immunotherapy against epithelial tumors. Science 2018 ; 359 : 91-97.
18) Baruch EN, Youngster I, Ben-Betzalel G, Ortenberg R, Lahat A, Katz L, Adler K, Dick-Necula D, Raskin S, Bloch N, Rotin D, Anafi L, Avivi C, Melnichenko J, Steinberg-Silman Y, Mamtani R, Harati H, Asher N, Shapira-Frommer R, Brosh-Nissimov T, Eshet Y, Ben-Simon S, Ziv O, Khan MAW, Amit M, Ajami NJ, Barshack I, Schachter J, Wargo JA, Koren O, Markel G, Boursi B. Fecal microbiota transplant promotes response in immunotherapy-refractory melanoma patients. Science 2021 ; 371 : 602-609.
19) Geller LT, Barzily-Rokni M, Danino T, Jonas OH, Shental N, Nejman D, Gavert N, Zwang Y, Cooper ZA, Shee K, Thaiss CA, Reuben A, Livny J, Avraham R, Frederick DT, Ligorio M, Chatman K, Johnston SE, Mosher CM, Brandis A, Fuks G, Gurbatri C, Gopalakrishnan V, Kim M, Hurd MW, Katz M, Fleming J, Maitra A, Smith DA, Skalak M, Bu J, Michaud M, Trauger SA, Barshack I, Golan T, Sandbank J, Flaherty KT, Mandinova A, Garrett WS, Thayer SP, Ferrone CR, Huttenhower C, Bhatia SN, Gevers D, Wargo JA, Golub TR, Straussman R. Potential role of intratumor bacteria in mediating tumor resistance to the chemotherapeutic drug gemcitabine. Science 2017 ; 357 : 1156-1160.
20) Yu T, Guo F, Yu Y, Sun T, Ma D, Han J, Qian Y, Kryczek I, Sun D, Nagarsheth N, Chen Y, Chen H, Hong J, Zou W, Fang JY. Fusobacterium nucleatum promotes chemoresistance to colorectal cancer by modulating autophagy. Cell 2017 ; 170 : 548-563 e16.
21) Nathanson T, Ahuja A, Rubinsteyn A, Aksoy BA, Hellmann MD, Miao D, Van Allen E, Merghoub T, Wolchok JD, Snyder A, Hammerbacher J. Somatic mutations and neoepitope homology in melanomas treated with CTLA-4 blockade. Cancer Immunol Res 2017 ; 5 : 84-91.
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23) Jobin C. Precision medicine using microbiota. Science 2018 ; 359 : 32-34.
24) Sivan A, Corrales L, Hubert N, Williams JB, Aquino-Michaels K, Earley ZM, Benyamin FW, Lei YM, Jabri B, Alegre ML, Chang EB, Gajewski TF. Commensal Bifidobacterium promotes antitumor immunity and facilitates anti-PD-L1 efficacy. Science 2015 ; 350 : 1084-9.
25) Tanoue T, Morita S, Plichta DR, Skelly AN, Suda W, Sugiura Y, Narushima S, Vlamakis H, Motoo I, Sugita K, Shiota A, Takeshita K, Yasuma-Mitobe K, Riethmacher D, Kaisho T, Norman JM, Mucida D, Suematsu M, Yaguchi T, Bucci V, Inoue T, Kawakami Y, Olle B, Roberts B, Hattori M, Xavier RJ, Atarashi K, Honda K. A defined commensal consortium elicits CD8 T cells and anti-cancer immunity. Nature 2019 ; 565 : 600-605.
26) Federici S, Kredo-Russo S, Valdes-Mas R, Kviatcovsky D, Weinstock E, Matiuhin Y, Silberberg Y, Atarashi K, Furuichi M, Oka A, Liu B, Fibelman M, Weiner IN, Khabra E, Cullin N, Ben-Yishai N, Inbar D, Ben-David H, Nicenboim J, Kowalsman N, Lieb W, Kario E, Cohen T, Geffen YF, Zelcbuch L, Cohen A, Rappo U, Gahali-Sass I, Golembo M, Lev V, Dori-Bachash M, Shapiro H, Moresi C, Cuevas-Sierra A, Mohapatra G, Kern L, Zheng D, Nobs SP, Suez J, Stettner N, Harmelin A, Zak N, Puttagunta S, Bassan M, Honda K, Sokol H, Bang C, Franke A, Schramm C, Maharshak N, Sartor RB, Sorek R, Elinav E. Targeted suppression of human IBD-associated gut microbiota commensals by phage consortia for treatment of intestinal inflammation. Cell 2022 ; 185 : 2879-2898 e24.

特別講演2. 高度肥満や糖尿病, がんに対する外科的および薬物による治療の効果と腸内細菌叢の関係

P.29 掲載の参考文献
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2) van der Hee B, Wells JM. Microbial regulation of host physiology by short-chain fatty acids. Trends Microbiol. 2021 ; 29 : 700-712.
3) Muto Y, Kurosawa A, Ukita C, Hanafusa N, Nagata S : Relationship between the fasting status during hospitalization, the length of hospital stay, and the outcome. Br J Nutr. 2022 ; 23 : 1-20.
4) 馬場重樹, 佐々木雅也, 安藤朗, 腸内細菌叢とdysbiosis. 日本静脈経腸栄養学会雑誌. 2018 ; 33 : 1099-1104.
5) 大野博司編集, 腸内細菌叢-健康と疾患を制御するエコシステム-. 実験医学. 2019 ; 37 : pp10-197.
6) Ikeda T, Aida M, Yoshida Y, Matsumoto S, Tanaka M, Nakayama J, Nagao Y, Nakata R, Oki E, Akahoshi T, Okano S, Nomura M, Hashizume M, Maehara Y. Alteration in faecal bile acids, gut microbial composition and diversity after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Br J Surg. 2020 ; 107 : 1673-1685.
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8) Ley RE, Turnbaugh PJ, Klein S, Gordon JI. Human gut microbes associated with obesity. Nature. 2006 ; 444 : 1022-1023.
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10) 馬場秀夫. 腸内細菌と消化器癌. 腸内フローラシンポジウム 28. 2020 ; 33-38.
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12) Matson V, Fessler J, Bao R, Chongsuwat T, Zha Y, Alegre M-L, Luke JJ, Gajewski TF. The commensal microbiome is associated with anti-PD-1 efficacy in metastatic melanoma patients. Science. 2018 ; 359 : 104-108.
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14) Shoji F, Yamaguchi M, Okamoto M, Takamori S, Yamazaki K, Okamoto T, Maehara Y. Gut microbiota diversity and specific composition during immunotherapy in responders with non-small cell lung cancer. Front Mol Biosci. 2022 ; 9 : 1040424.
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18) Hieken TJ, Chen J, Chen B, Johnson S, Hoskin TL, Degnim AC, Walther-Antonio MR, Chia N. The breast tissue microbiome, stroma, immune cells and breast cancer. Neoplasia. 2022 ; 27 : 100786.
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講演1. 腸内フローラと膵・胆道癌

P.36 掲載の参考文献
1) Ito Z, Koido S, Kato K, Odamaki T, Horiuchi S, Akasu T, Saruta M, Hata T, Kumagai Y, Fujioka S, Misawa T, Xiao JZ, Sato N, Ohkusa T. Dysbiosis of the fecal and biliary microbiota in biliary tract cancer. Cancers (Basel). 2022 14 : 5379.
2) Koido S, Horiuchi S, Kan S, Bito T, Ito Z, Uchiyama K, Saruta M, Sato N, Ohkusa T. The stimulatory effect of fusobacteria on dendritic cells under aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Sci Rep. 2022 12 : 10698.
3) Kiryu S, Ito Z, Suka M, Bito T, Kan S, Uchiyama K, Saruta M, Hata T, Takano Y, Fujioka S, Misawa T, Yamauchi T, Yanagisawa H, Sato N, Ohkusa T, Sugiyama H, Koido S. Prognostic value of immune factors in the tumor microenvironment of patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2021 21 : 1197.
4) Riquelme E, Zhang Y, Zhang L, Montiel M, Zoltan M, Dong W, Quesada P, Sahin I, Chandra V, San Lucas A, Scheet P, Xu H, Hanash SM, Feng L, Burks JK, Do KA, Peterson CB, Nejman D, Tzeng CD, Kim MP, Sears CL, Ajami N, Petrosino J, Wood LD, Maitra A, Straussman R, Katz M, White JR, Jenq R, Wargo J, McAllister F. Tumor microbiome diversity and composition influence pancreatic cancer outcomes. Cell. 2019 178 : 795-806.
5) Yang Q, Zhang J, Zhu Y. Potential roles of the gut microbiota in pancreatic carcinogenesis and therapeutics. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2022 12 : 872019.
6) Koido S, Homma S, Okamoto M, Takakura K, Mori M, Yoshizaki S, Tsukinaga S, Odahara S, Koyama S, Imazu H, Uchiyama K, Kajihara M, Arakawa H, Misawa T, Toyama Y, Yanagisawa S, Ikegami M, Kan S, Hayashi K, Komita H, Kamata Y, Ito M, Ishidao T, Yusa S, Shimodaira S, Gong J, Sugiyama H, Ohkusa T, Tajiri H. Treatment with chemotherapy and dendritic cells pulsed with multiple Wilms' tumor 1 (WT1) -specific MHC class I/II-restricted epitopes for pancreatic cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2014 20 : 4228-39.
7) Nagata N, Nishijima S, Kojima Y, Hisada Y, Imbe K, Miyoshi-Akiyama T, Suda W, Kimura M, Aoki R, Sekine K, Ohsugi M, Miki K, Osawa T, Ueki K, Oka S, Mizokami M, Kartal E, Schmidt TSB, Molina-Montes E, Estudillo L, Malats N, Trebicka J, Kersting S, Langheinrich M, Bork P, Uemura N, Itoi T, Kawai T. Metagenomic identification of microbial signatures predicting pancreatic cancer from a multinational study. Gastroenterology. 2022 163 : 222-238.

講演2. 大腸がん発がん過程における腸内細菌群集構造のダイナミクス

P.43 掲載の参考文献
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講演3. 腸内細菌と循環器疾患

P.53 掲載の参考文献
1) Emoto T, Yamashita T, Sasaki N, et al. : Analysis of gut microbiota in coronary artery disease patients-A possible link between gut microbiota and coronary artery disease-J Atheroscler Thromb. 2016, 23 : 908-921.
2) Yoshida N, Emoto T, Yamashita T, et al. : Bacteroides vulgatus and Bacteroides dorei reduce gut microbial lipopolysachharide production and inhibit atherosclerosis. Circulation. 2018, 138 : 2486-2498.
3) Hayashi T, Yamashita T, Watanabe H, et al. : Gut microbiome and plasma microbiome-related metabolites in patients with decompensated and compensated heart failure. Circ J. 2018, 83 : 182-192.
4) Emoto T, Hayashi T, Tabata T, et al. : Metagenomic analysis of gut microbiota reveals its role in trimethylamine metabolism in heart failure. Int J Cardiol. 2021, 338 : 138-42.
5) Hayashi T, Yamashita T, Takahashi T, et al. : Uncovering the role of gut microbiota in amino acid metabolic disturbances in heart failure through metagenomic analysis. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021, 8 : 789325.
6) Tabata T, Yamashita T, Hosomi K, et al. : Gut microbial composition in patients with atrial fibrillation : effects of diet and drugs. Heart Vessels. 2021, 36 : 105-14.
7) 平田健一, 山下智也 : 腸内細菌と循環器疾患. 日本内科学会雑誌 2018, 107巻 9号 : 1906-1911.
8) Yoshida N, Watanabe S, Yamasaki H, et al. : Average gut flora in healthy Japanese subjects stratified with age and body mass index. Biosci Microbiota Food Health. 2021, 41 : 45-53.
9) Wang Z, Klipfell E, Bennett BJ, et al. : Gut flora metabolism of phosphatidylcholine promotes cardiovascular disease. Nature. 2011, 472 : 57-63.
10) Wang Z, Roberts AB, Buffa JA, et al. : Non-lethal inhibition of gut microbial trimethylamine production for the treatment of atherosclerosis. Cell. 2015, 163 ; 1585-1595.
11) Tang WH, Wang Z, Fan Y, et al. : Prognostic value of elevated levels of intestinal microbe-generated metabolite trimethylamine-N-oxide in patients with heart failure : refining the gut hypothesis. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014, 64 : 1908-1914.
12) Jie, Z, Xia H, Zhong SL, et al. : The gut microbiome in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Nat Commun. 2017, 8 : 845.
13) Yoshida N, Yamashita T, Kishino S, et al. : A possible beneficial effect of Bacteroides on faecal lipopolysaccharide activity and cardiovascular diseases. Sci Rep. 2020, 10 : 13009.
14) Yoshida N, Yamashita T, Osone T, et al. : Bacteroides spp. promotes branched-chain amino acid catabolism in brown fat and inhibits obesity. iScience. 2021, 24 : 103342.
15) Cui X, Ye L, Li J, et al. : Metagenomic and metabolomic analyses unveil dysbiosis of gut microbiota in chronic heart failure patients. Sci Rep. 2018, 8 : 635.
16) Depommier C, Everard A, Druart C, et al. : Supplementation with Akkermansia muciniphila in overweight and obesehuman volunteers : a proof-of-concept exploratory study. Nat Med. 2019, 25 : 1096-1103.

講演4. 腸内細菌叢からみた糖尿病の発症機構

P.63 掲載の参考文献
1) Burkhart RA, Gerber SM, Tholey RM, Lamb KM, Somasundaram A, McIntyre CA, Fradkin EC, Ashok AP, Felte RF, Mehta JM, Rosato EL, Lavu H, Jabbour SA, Yeo CJ, and Winter JM. Incidence and severity of pancreatogenic diabetes after pancreatic resection. J. Gastrointest. Surg. 19 : 217-225, 2015.
2) Maxwell DW, Jajja MR, Galindo RJ, Zhang C, Nadeem SO, Sweeney JF, Blair CM, and Sarmiento JM. Postpancreatectomy diabetes index : A validated score predicting diabetes development after major pancreatectomy. J. Am. Coll. Surg. 230 : 393-402.e3, 2020.
3) Fukuda T, Bouchi R, Takeuchi T, Amo-Shiinoki K, Kudo A, Tanaka S, Tanabe M, Akashi T, Hirayama K, Odamaki T, Igarashi M, Kimura I, Tanabe K, Tanizawa Y, Yamada T, and Ogawa Y. Importance of intestinal environment and cellular plasticity of islets in the development of postpancreatectomy diabetes. Diabetes Care 44 : 1002-1011, 2021.
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講演5. ケトン食と腸内細菌叢

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